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I woke up late in the morning. Tom was still laying behind me hugging my waist tightly. I smiled with my eyes still closed and tried to move his hand so I can go to the toilet but he groaned and hugged my waist tighter getting on top of me.

The breath got out of my lungs for a second before I get used to his weight and breathed in deeply. I tried to push him down but he wrapped his legs around me like a koala cub

"Tom I can't breathe. Get off" I said out of my lungs. He snarled and lifted his body off mine into a push-up position. I took a deep breath before his body collapsed back right onto mine again

I groaned "Tom if you do not get off of me I'll tell my sister to bite you!" I shouted in a warning way and felt his body getting off immediately

I smiled at him innocently before getting up to the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands before going back to Tom's room to see him still asleep

I rolled my eyes and climbed right on top of him, sitting on his lap as his hands catch my waist immediately and squeezed them. I leaned my head down in front of his face "get up sleepy head it's already 10 am" I whispered and kissed his chin.

He has short chin hair so he hasn't shaved for at least a week. "I'm starving" Tom whispered at my lips

"yeah me too, let's go have some breakfast downstairs" I nodded and get off of him and walked towards the door but he stopped me before I could reach a doorknob

"I'm not starving for food, princess" he whispered and moved closer to me catching me by my waist "I'm starving for your sweetness down there" he nodded his head down before looking into my shocked eyes

"You know you can't" I smirked at him winningly and pushed him away to open the door but he closed them with his palm "but we can do much more things" he whispered into my ear and sent shivers down my spine

"Like what" I crossed my hands over my chest still facing the door "hmm, I don't know, there's a handjob, blowjob, dry humping. You just choose and I'm in" he squeezed my waist and pushed his chest against my back

"I never did dry humping before" I mumbled to myself and bit my lip. I can't see into his face but I bet he's grinning now "then let me show you how good I am at it" he whispered into my ear and kissed my neck

Turning around I swung my arms around his neck and looked at his eyes before slowly kissing him on the lips.

He immediately kissed me back and lifted me from the ground as I hung my legs around his torso. He walked towards the wall and pushed my back into it. Not hard just to cause me to moan

He groaned as I did and tightened his hold around my thighs "babe?" I heard a familiar voice shout from the hallway. I pulled away from Tom and looked at the closed door confusedly

"Yeah?" I said hesitantly and scrunched my eyebrows. I saw Tom's face grow into an angry one as he held me tightly and clenched his jaw "Where are y-"

"Hey buddy, we have some business going on here so can you please fuck off?" Tom shouted with his head directed towards the door

I clenched my jaw and got out of Tom's hold to open the door and saw Mickey with the same expression as Tom's one

"Hey, what's up" I smiled and rested one of my hands against the door frame. He scrunched his eye and looked at his phone screen probably at the date "isn't it... end of the month already?" He asked and I blushed and looked down. I know exactly why he asked that

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