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"And ahh, he had a harness. Oh my god I didn't even come, he did that for nothing" I explained to Mickey with the wine in my hand

I came home a few minutes ago after that Greek god 'meeting'. Mickey was awake waiting for me while Ellie was sleeping in her room

"It was just awful" I rolled my eyes and took a sip from the glass. Mickey was laughing almost all the time I was talking

"And what about that sexy voice that you left a few minutes ago?" He asked and drink from his beer. He isn't into wine at all

"Ah oh my god. Don't let me start. He was so handsome and the way he moved his fingers? I was in heaven. We didn't even have sex. I just climaxed and he hand me money and left to the bathroom telling me that I can go" I shrugged

"But he was a gentleman. I'm going to his place tomorrow too so I wanted to ask if you can babysit Ell again" I asked with puppy eyes

"Why do I have a feeling that you want to go to his place voluntarily? Like, even if he'd not pay you anything you'd go anyway" he smirked at me and I blushed and looked away

"Oh my god. Don't tell me that you like him" he said and I rolled my eyes 

"and what? He's handsome and really good. Why wouldn't I want to go?" I said in a duh tone and he laughed

"Just be careful. And don't forget the gun" he said and stand up to leave for the guest room "I'll sleepover tonight. I don't want to drive after that beer" he said and threw the can in the bin before he was gone

This is the definition of prudence. And another thing why I love him so much.


I have a free day until tonight so I drove Ell to school and kissed her goodbye before going to the market to buy something to eat

I ended up with a full basket.

After I stuck everything into the car trunk I drove back to my house.

When I parked at my parking lot. A got out of the car and to the elevator with my hands full of bags

I somehow unlocked my door and threw everything on the kitchen counter

Sighing heavily, I unpacked the stuff and put it in its place.

After my little nap, I watched Netflix in the living room till 1 pm. I went to the car and go pick up Ellie from the school

When I saw her, I also saw two men with black leather jackets looking at us, smoking cigarettes

"Come on, honey, hurry," I said to Ellie but my eyes didn't leave the men for not even a one second

"Erick kissed me again! And it was still blah" she said excitedly and I chuckled at her inexplicable behavior

I looked at the men in my review mirror once more before speeding up to our flat


"You look Hella sexy" Mickey said sarcastically and drank from his water. I rolled my eyes and looked at my outfit

He said casual, so I took a pair of blue jeans and a red blouse with a converse. These are my casual clothes

"He said casual, so I'll dress casually. Everything for customers" I smirked at him and he chuckled

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