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After we drove around the whole New York in his car, he stopped in front of my house.

"I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you" I grinned at him and he chuckled 

"anytime, princess," he said and I blushed "so tomorrow," he said and I nodded and smiled at him before leaving the car

When I took an elevator and walked into my flat, I saw Mickey already sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand and a wine glass for me

I chuckled and took off my coat before sitting down "Is Ellie asleep?" I asked and sipped from the glass.

Mickey nodded his head and smirked "so?" I rolled my eyes but smiled 

"So...We still didn't have sex but lemme tell you, I couldn't walk after he finished his work.

He is so fucking good and after that he wanted me to sleep over because of my exhaustion but I said no so he at least offered me a ride with his sports car. He had a full garage of sports cars and I was in heaven, honestly" I chuckled

"He then drove all around the city at full speed and then he said goodbye and drove home. He also promised that he'll bring me my car by tomorrow morning" I smiled and Mickey gave me the knowing look

"It looked like a date if I may say. Car drive, you two in the bed, and he offers you a sleepover. Mmmmm. I can smell the relationship already" he teased and I rolled my eyes

"Calm down. I don't even know his name, dude" I said in a duh tone and he laughed 

"and what? You don't have to know his name to love him" he said dreamily and I rolled my eyes AGAIN

"You're so childish" I finished my wine and put it in the sink "goodnight, Mickey" I ruffled his hair and walked towards my room

After my shower, I jumped on my bed and fell asleep


I spend my morning at some guy's house. He was disgusting and finished after not even 2 minutes. He was embarrassed and told me it was because his wife will come soon but I know better and I think he does too

I took my money and left for the café to take some breakfast.

I then went to do my nails in the local manicure salon and pay the woman and smiled at my new red nails before speeding home

Mr handsome kept his promise. The car was there when I walked through the door. It was all shiny and clean. I have to thank Mr. Holland for that

When I walked through the elevator doors I saw him sitting on the stairs in front of my flat

I widened my eyes and looked at him shocked. He turned around and looked at me

But I didn't care. I entered the elevator once more and wanted to push a button but his voice stop me 

"Charlotte, wait," he said and I scrunched my eyebrows

How does he know my real name? I didn't tell him anything nor did he look into my stuff. My handbag was on the chair the whole time

Why am I so dumb to give him my fucking address, oh my god, Mickey warned me about this. He is just some creep who won't let me live until I call the police

I slowly walked out of the elevator and looked at him confused "h-how do you know?" I nervously looked right into his eyes 

"I'm Tom" he took a step closer and offered me his hand but I took a step back

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