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I have to go away as fast as possible...

"Mickey," I said silently so no one can hear us. He hummed in response "the people I told you about are right here" I whispered and looked at my cup of coffee

I heard Mickey's breathe stop for a moment before he took a deep breath "where" he looked down at me

I nodded my head and eyes to the left side of the café. Mickey stared at the men for a while before nodding

"We have to get you out of here" he uttered and I nodded slowly, "Tom told me to stay here till he comes" I commented and looked at him

"I don't care what he said. He put you into this situation in the first place" Mickey blurted and I swallowed nervously

"Fine" I agreed and drink up my coffee before standing up, making eye contact with one of the men. I quickly looked away and took Mickey's hand and fast-walked out of the café

"My car's here" I pointed at my white love and almost sprinted to it with Mike's hand in mine

"Hey!" I heard someone shout but didn't dare to look behind me "Char!" Said the voice again, I stopped immediately

That voice is so familiar, like a heard him a few minutes ago

"I told you to stay at the café, the fuck? They could've killed you!" Tom's voice shouted and I finally turned around to look at him

His face was angry but soft. He fast-walked towards me and hugged me tightly when he reached me but I was too shocked to hug him back

"Don't fucking do it again" he warned me and I nodded "come on let's go home" he stated and stare at Mike for a minute before he took my hand and started to pull me towards his black Audi

"Hey!" I heard someone shouts again but I knew who is it this time "you can't just take her away from me. Who the hell do you think you are?" Michael declared and held my other hand

"Watch it, buddy. Take that hand off her before I make you" Tom notified and held my hand tighter like to show Mickey what he can do.

What the fuck is that? Do you want to finish your business on the kids' playground?

I rolled my eyes "can you guys stop and just go? I'm pretty sure I just saw the men exiting the café" I sighed and they both looked at me

"Fine," they said at the same time and glared at each other. I just frowned and held their hands, making my way towards Tom's car

Tom sat at the driver's seat and Mickey and I sat to the back. Tom looked at me through the review mirror like he was hurt and sad

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked out of the window "where to?" Tom asked Mickey.

Mike looked at me confused "I want to be with Char for a while. Does it bother you?" Mike looked at the back of his head murderously

Tom looked at me before shaking his head "not at all. Char's friends are always welcome in my house" Tom fake smiled and I rolled my eyes

"Best friend" Mickey corrected and I already saw Tom rolling his eyes

Their testosterone can be smelled miles away from here....how I hate these situations

"Whatever" Tom murmured and Mike smiled at me proudly. He is proud of himself? Really? I rolled my eyes and shook my head


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