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"Wake up slut" said the male voice before I felt a pain in my stomach. I opened my eyes wide and started coughing, I felt the blood in my mouth. Spitting it next to my bed I looked up and saw one of Snake's men

It's been nine days since I got here. They give me one piece of bread every day and barely any water. I used to ignore my stomach begging for food...

My body is numb and not in that 'good way' I think I lost a lot of weight since I get here.

Every day in this hour, one of Snake's men comes down here to me and beat me. I used to ignore the pain as well, imagine Tom coming up to me and hugging me tightly whispering that he loves me into my ear

Sometimes I'm even smiling during the punches when I remember how Tom loves me and that he surely appear in the doorframe every second. But he never did.... every time the door opens it's one of John's men or he personally but John is not punching me.

No. He's doing other things...

Every time he walks through the door I beg the Lord for him to use protection so I won't carry his child. He never does...

Now it's the end of the day. John should be here in a few seconds doing the things he does every day in the same hour not caring about my opinion. I shouted the first three times but now, I always close my eyes and wait for the end to come

I was in the corner of my bed when I heard the door open. I didn't care looked up, knowing it was just John or one of his men, maybe he wants them to have some fun too...

"Good evening, sweetheart. Ready for round 9?" John's voice asked and I had a sudden urge to puke at his voice. How come I used to like him when he was my customer?

"Not today" I looked at him with my teary eyes "please" I sobbed and moved my legs closer to my chest. He just chuckled and smirked "I love it when you beg me" he undid his belt and unzipped his pants for me to already see his ugly dick

I looked away and closed my eyes shut. What did I do to deserve it? Did I do something wrong? Why do you hate me so much, Lord?

He used to like it passionate when I know him as my customer but now. He always goes hard on me not wasting any second before coming into me. It always lasts maybe three minutes before he smirks at me and leaves the room

I was praying for the lord to not let him put his child into me...

Crying myself to sleep, I was thinking about Tom getting here and carrying me home to my sister, Mickey, and him...


"She isn't here!" The voice shouted from the hall and I slammed my fist into the nearest wall to release the anger in me.

We were near the hiking trail in Sends Point looking for the bastard and my princess but they weren't there. I hope my princess is okay. I'll kill that dipshit the second I see him after taking care of my angel

"We're going to Boston, come on!" I shouted and run out of the cabin. Into the car behind the steering wheel waiting for the others to come, tapping on the wheel impatiently

When everyone was seated, I stepped on the gas and we were off... I looked at the console and saw it was already 10 pm. We'll be there in a few hours...

The car was in complete silence. No one dared to speak or even think. But I did think a lot, about my angel, hoping that she's okay and has enough food and drink, and actually hoping that she's still with us...

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