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The bell ring snapped me out of my thoughts as I was just applying some makeup on my face, thinking about where Tom wanted to take me

He said that I should dress casually that we'll be at a lot of air. I really didn't get why he said that but I let it go and just smiled and nodded

I decided on my denim shorts and a black tank top with a flannel shirt on top. I let my hair be just like that so it was straight pressed against my back

I walked down the stairs to get to the door but Tom had already done it and greeted Mike with a fake smile on his face as well as Mike did the same

Tom would be furious knowing that Mike's working for the FBI and is trying to get him into jail. And Mike would be furious knowing that I'm standing at Tom's side of the story...

"Hey," Mike said hesitatingly and made a step closer to me "hey" I whispered and took a step closer as well. Tom was staring at us like we were a movie or something

Mike's head turns to look at Tom pleadingly "Tom could please. For a sec." Mike asked and Tom clenched his jaw and nodded before walking to the living room where my sister was sitting, watching Tangled

"How is your hand?" Mike steps closer and closes the door before carefully taking my hand in his and observing it

"It's good, I guess" I shrugged and looked into his eyes "you should have a splint, you know that?" He asked with a little anger at his voice but I know he is just caring

I couldn't help but let the tear escape my eye. I quickly wipe it off and sobbed quietly "I missed you" I whispered and took my hand in his.

I heard Mike sniffled so I looked up to him to see his eyes red. His face was holding a sad expression and he did his best to not let the tears slip out of his eyes

I immediately let go of his hand and hugged him tightly. Placing my head into his chest while he placed his on top of mine.

"I missed you too babes" he whispered and squeezed me tight. Telling me that he'll never let me go again. I chuckled and squeezed his waist tightly

"Mickeyyy" I heard my little sister's tiny voice and wipe my tears before pulling away from Mike's chest and smiling at my sister

She immediately jumped on him and he chuckled with tears still in his eyes and kneel down to be at the same level before catching her tiny legs, holding her tight

"I missed you!" She shouted into his ear and I winced for the pain he just received. "I missed you too, princess" he whispered and I smiled at them

I looked up to see Tom already looking at me. He had a tiny smile on his lips. I smiled back at him and then looked back at the cuddle that is in front of me

"Alright, guys. We should probably go" Tom announced and clapped his hands together. "Okay! Have fun Char" my sister said and let go of Mike to hug me

I hugged her back, when she pulled away she went to jump on Tom. Liking the boys already....I said to myself and rolled my eyes but smiled at how honest her smile is

Tom hugged her back and spun her around a few times before letting the giggling beast go.

I noticed Mike glaring at Tom as he did. I can smell the jealousy, already. "Alright, come on, princess. We'll go watch some movies" Mike said and picked Ellie from the ground to throw her over his shoulder

She giggled and waved at us as Mike walked towards the living "bye guys" she giggled "and use protection!" Mike added and turned around eyeing Tom

"What kind of protection should they use on a date, Mikey?" My sister asked innocently and I chuckled "well, you know when two people like each other-"

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