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Suddenly, her body appeared right in front of me. I kneeled next to her and hugged her still-warm body. "I love you, you can't leave me!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face

"Tom!" the tiny voice shouted and bring me out of my dream. I immediately sat up quickly and looked around. I noticed the tears in my eyes and face. My forehead was sweaty and my hands shaky

"Tom," the voice said in a whisper and touched my shoulder gently. I turned around to see my princess in front of me. I didn't think twice and hugged her body tightly probably pulling out all the air from her lungs

I sobbed into her shoulder as the tear escaped my eye "don't you dare ever leave me again" I ordered bringing her body closer. She hugged me back after a minute. I can tell she was confused by her carefulness with her soft touch

She stroked my bare back slowly whispering sweet nothings to my ear to calm me down "I'm here, love. I'm not going anywhere" she whispered stroking my hair

After my breathing calmed down, I slowly pulled away from her and looked into her big confused eyes "do you want to talk about it?" She asked and stroked my waist

I shook my head and bring her closer to me to kiss her lips softly. The kiss was slow, I didn't want to go hard on her, I wanted to show her my love. The way I can show it best.

After a moment, I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers with my eyes closed and lips swollen and parted

"I'm sorry for waking you up" I whispered and looked into her eyes. She shook her head and pulled away just to hold my cheeks with her both hands "don't be sorry for that, Tom. You had a nightmare and I wanted to help you" she said and stroked me with her thumbs

I nodded my head and looked down between our bodies "okay" I whispered and played with the hem of the blanket "let's go back to sleep" she raised my head and looked between my eyes. I nodded again and lay down and wait for her to lay next to me but she stand up so I immediately stand up too to stop her from leaving

"Where are you going?" I asked worriedly and catch her by her waist. She looked at me confused with her lips parted before smiling at me "in just going to dress into something comfier" she then walked towards the door but I stopped her again

"I will borrow you something, just don't leave me" I begged and didn't wait for her answer as I held her hand and pulled her towards my closet handing her my boxers and sweatshirt

She thanked me before going to the bathroom to change. I wait for her by the door resting my head on the wall behind me I listened to her softly breathing or rustling clothes when she put my sweatshirt on

After two minutes she walked out of the bathroom and smiled at me before turning around doing the spin before looking at me "how do I look?" She teased and looked at me

I catch her by her waist and kissed her nose "you look adorable" I whispered and she smiled at me before kissing my nose back. I smiled and held her hand to led her towards my bed

I lay down and patted my chest. She giggled adorably before rolling her eyes and laying on top of me with her legs on each side of my body and her arms around my neck, her head rested on my bare chest

I hugged her waist and laced my fingers to hold her as tight as I can before placing a kiss on her head "your heartbeat is quick again" she mumbled and I chuckled "goodnight, princess" I whispered and tightened my hold on her "goodnight" she whispered back before we both fell asleep

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