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A light trample of my little sister's feet woke me up from my dreams. I opened my eyes a little to see her running towards our bed and jumping right on Mickey's sleeping body

He lost his breath for a while before opening his eyes and chuckling at my sister grinning into his face "helloe little one" he said in a husky morning voice which caused Ellie to laugh

"You sound funny" she giggled and pitched his cheeks. I laughed for myself acting like I'm asleep but they both snapped their heads in my direction when they heard me

"Look who is acting to be asleep to get rid of me" Mickey teased and carefully put Ellie off of him on the side of the bed before moving closer to me and sneaking his hands on my waist before tickling me

I immediately knew that I lost when he first squeezed me and burst out laughing when he continued. Ellie joined us by jumping on me and tickling my feet

"Oh god I hate y'all" I screamed-laughed and stand up from the bed and run over to the bathroom to lock myself there but before I could, Mickey took the other side of the handle in his hand and pull the door wide open revealing me with the smile on my face

'fuck off' I mouthed and he immediately opened his mouth wide and put his hand on his chest "what did you just say?" He said pretending to be hurt and pouting

I rolled my eyes and come closer to him to hug him. I always do it when he does his little 'I am hurt and you're not gonna hug me?' face.

He returned the hug and soon my little sister joins us. We all ended up on the bed laying and looking at the ceiling

Suddenly, Mickey stand up and walked toward his phone. I sat up and looked at him as he picked up his phone, looked at the screen, and frowned. He looked at me and shook his head

I swallowed nervously and nodded. It's okay, he probably needs to move all of the dead bodies away before calling, that's normal right?

"Come on, you'll meet my parents now. Get dressed" Mickey looked at both of us teasingly. I chuckled and hand Ellie her bag before picking up mine and going to the bathroom to take a shower

I decided to put on my jeans and top. It's the first impression so I don't want to go there in sweatpants and some shirt

When I carefully walked down the stairs, I already heard some laughing from the I suppose kitchen. I walked towards the voices to see my sister giggling together with some middle-aged cute couple. They could have maybe around forty-five.

I smiled and slowly walked in and saw Mickey beside the kitchen counter drinking some Apple Juice, grinning at his parents and Ellie

When I entered the kitchen every head snapped in my direction. Ellie ran towards me and hugged me meanwhile Mickey's parents smiled at me and stood up

I carefully pulled Ellie off and walked toward Mickey's parents to greet them. "Charlotte, it's nice to finally meet you," Mrs. Highfield said and offered me her hand. I smiled and immediately shook it

I would never offer her my hand...I have my manners, she is supposed to do it. If she wouldn't I would just disrespect her by offering my hand to her

(A/n: god I'm feeling like at school when my sales psychology teacher taught us that😂)

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Highfield" I smiled at her and redirected my gaze to Mr. Highfield. He immediately offered me his hand and smiled at me "so many years and it's the first time seeing you" he chuckled as well as me

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