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I woke up when I felt someone moving under my touch.

My sleeping self catch the person by its waist to stop him from moving so I can sleep longer

I buried my head into his muscular chest and wrapped my legs around him. I heard a deep chuckle and I immediately opened my eyes

This is not the person I thought it is...

I pulled away from him as my eyes widened "I-um... I..... Sorry, I thought you were someone else" I stuttered and check his body. Oh god

"You thought I am who exactly?" Tom asked curiously and I swallowed nervously, looking away "no one" I smiled at him and stand up to leave

"Where are you going?" He stand up as well and I had a full view of his almost naked body.

I stopped the drool from escaping my mouth and blinked a few times before I realized that I have just a sweatshirt and panties

I widened my eyes and quickly walked into my closet to put on some sweatpants

"Really? I saw you in less, princess" Tom rolled his eyes and made his way up to me "why do you look like you are ashamed of me to see you naked?" He surmised and put his hands on my waist from behind

"I-I'm not..." I stuttered and looked away. He chuckled

"let's see" he tilted his head and took off my sweatshirt just in one move

I widened my eyes and covered my body with my hands.

He next took off my sweatpants and lift me over his shoulder to take them off completely.

"Ummm, such a good ass" he slapped my butt and my cheeks heat up immediately.

"Tom, put me down" I stated and slapped his back

"Do it again and you'll regret it" he warned me and slapped my butt again. I snarled and crossed my hands over my chest.

I was still upside down when he walked over to the nightstand and picked something up before going right in front of the mirror

"What are you doing?" I wondered and tried to look into the mirror but I couldn't "nothing you have to worry about" he murmured and the next thing I heard was a snap

A snap?!?

"Are you taking a motherfucking picture?!" I shrilled and tried to get away from his hold but it just tightens when I tried to move

"That's none of your business" he mumbled and I heard another snap.

"Tom the fuck put me down" I stated and slap his back again

I heard another snap before he sighed "I told you you'll regret it if you slap me again" I widened my eyes when he made his way towards the bathroom

"Tom? No. I'm sorry. Tom, what are you going to do? Tom! Please?" I begged but he totally ignored me and stand me into the shower, he was right in front of me

"T-Tom what are you going to do?" I widened my eyes worried and looked at his calm smirky face

"Nothing much" he shrugged and the next thing I know is cold water on my back.

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