Chapter 1

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Darkness surrounded him...

George curls into a ball to warm himself, as he floated through the void of nothingness. Yet, though he could not see anything, he knew that he wasn't alone.

He could hear them, smell them even. Their sick laughs, their alcohol-stained breath, the smoke from their cigarettes. Then he could feel them, not just their lustful stares, but also their cold rough hands gliding over his skin. He clenched his teeth as his body shook in fear.

Stop it! Don't come near me! He tried to yell but no sound left his mouth.

He willed himself to stand up and run, as their evil laughs echoed across the void. I'm not that person anymore!

George shot out of bed with his body coated in cold sweat.

I am not that person anymore, he reminded himself as he stood up to get ready for work.

After showering and grabbing something presentable to wear, he walked over to the mirror to check his appearance. For being a 24-year-old man that had been through a lot of shit, he looked pretty good.

Though he had a hard life it hadn't affected his looks, something that he was quite thankful for. With a sigh, he reached over to grab his omega collar and fastened it around his neck.

The government has been trying for the past couple of years to make life easier for omegas, but it was still hard for some members of society to accept them as equals.

George couldn't understand why people were so stubborn about sticking to the old traditions when civilization has come a long way.

The very country they were living in used to be a small island, but with such leaps of technology they had managed to increase its landmass, to become the buzzing Utopia that it was today. Yet when it came to the social hierarchy, people still refused to change.

After locking his apartment, George started the long walk to his workplace. The chilly autumn breeze stung his cheeks as he passed people on the street.

He couldn't help the fear that they could see through him. That they were talking about him, or that they knew about his past.

Stop over-thinking George, you are safe. It's been two years and you are far away from it all, He stated internally, trying to assure his panicking heart.

He wasn't normally this anxious, but that nightmare just had him on edge. There was this feeling that he couldn't shake, something bad was about to happen.

Upon finally reaching his workplace, he hastily made his way to his little work cubicle, where he would spend the next few hours typing away on his computer. He wasn't complaining though, in fact, he rather liked his job.

He didn't need to interact with his co-workers that much, and he was receiving a decent amount of pay. Considering that he was an omega, this was as good as it was going to get.

"Hey, George!" A voice greeted him as he turned on his computer.

The brunette turned to see who it was, before putting on a warm smile.

"Hey Bad, Hey Skeppy, how was date night?" he asked.

The two mated Betas giggled, "It was good, the restaurant that you recommended had great food and for such a cheap price too."

George's smile grew, in this city he only had a few friends. Bad, Skeppy, and three others.

When he first moved here two years ago to work for the company, he had made up his mind not to socialize with anyone. That proved to be impossible the minute that he was introduced to the rest of the staff and assigned to the cubicle next to Bad and Skeppy.

At first, he got quite annoyed at the two Betas, who were very persistent with asking him to join them for dinner or to grab a drink together. But over time he developed a wonderful friendship with them, and he never regretted it.

"You've got a real talent in finding high-quality stuff for cheap prices George. You've saved us a lot of money this past year." Bad complimented as he slid into the cubicle beside George, while his mate got into the cubicle next to him.

George giggled softly, "You learn a lot of skills when you grow up poor," he said.

The three men then turned to their computers to start working. When lunch rolled around they went out together to grab some food.

"I am so done with this death march," Skeppy complained as he bit into his sandwich. "Every week, all we do is sit in our little boxes and type till the clock hits 5."

Bad and George laughed. "You say that every time, yet you always show up for work, and have no plans of quitting." George pointed out.

"Well duh...our work happens to pay well, and we have bills to pay." He said, motioning to him and his mate.

Just then Bad's phone lit up with a notification.

"Boss is calling an emergency meeting right now, we better run," he said.

The trio quickly finished their food, and ran back to work, just in time to see the rest of their co-workers standing in front of a small stage in the conference room.

The room was buzzing with excitement, but the three men couldn't be bothered to know what everyone was gossiping about. They would have been informed if it was anything important.

Suddenly the room turned silent, as their boss slowly made his way to the lectern on the stage.

"Hello everyone, I am sorry to have called you all here on very short notice, but our small business is about to undergo some major changes that you all need to be informed on."

The man took in a deep breath before he continued. "Our business is now under the Killian Cooperation."

A wave of gasps and murmurs erupted from the crowd.

"Killian? As in the Killian? The man that owns several businesses across the country? Now, why would he take interest in our small game development company?" Bad asked, and his mate could only shake his head in confusion.

Meanwhile, George was lost in his thoughts, Killian? Why does that name sound so familiar?

"Quiet please," their boss said with his hand raised. "Now there is no need to worry, they said that they wanted to keep you all here as employees and that there will be no changes to your payroll."

Audible sighs of relief swept across the room before the man continued. "Today the CEO of the Killian Cooperation has decided to set up an office here, till he deems it stable enough to grow on its own. So please treat the man with respect." Their boss reminded, and the crowd voiced their agreements.

"He should be here any minute..." Their boss announced, and as if on cue, the door to the room suddenly swung open.

George's nose suddenly picked up a very strong musky scent. It smelled like the pine woods that he used to play in when he was a child, only with a hint of vanilla. Well, the man is definitely an Alpha, but why does his scent smell so familiar, George thought, as the newcomer headed towards the stage.

The brunette suddenly felt his body heat up, and shivers ran down his spine. What is happening to me? He thought as he forced his trembling form to straighten up, before turning his eyes back to the stage.

Their boss, looking a bit scared, quickly stepped aside so the CEO could greet the crowd. George's mouth dropped open when his eyes fell on the green-eyed, blonde in front of them.

"Hello everyone, My name is Dream Killian..."

George's ears started to buzz, and he couldn't hear what the man was saying over the pounding of his heart.

No freaking way, this can't be happening!

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