Chapter 35

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George was quietly placing his newly washed nesting materials, back into his closet, when a pair of strong arms wrapped around him. He smiled as he felt small kisses tickle his nape...

"Dream..." George said with a giggle.

"Yes love?" the blonde whispered, as he continued with his little attack on the omega's neck.

"Dream..." George breathed out when the blonde found a sensitive spot. "Dream...Beck's going to be here soon..."

At that very moment the door to the apartment slammed open, and in ran a very energetic pup.

"Papa!" the boy called out, then smiled when he saw his parents exit the room.

"Hey, pup!" George greeted cheerfully, and the boy quickly flew into his arms, wrapping the brunette in a tight embrace.

"I missed you, papa."

"I missed you too pup..." George responded as he gave the boy a peck on the forehead.

Soon they were joined by Karl and Sapnap, who were carrying Beckerson's things.

"Thank you so much for looking after him," George said.

"No problem George, we loved looking after this ball of energy," Karl stated ruffling Beckerson's hair.

After exchanging a few words, the group separated. Dream kissed Beck and George on the cheek before leaving, and they promised to call him that night.

Beckerson proceeded to tell George about all the adventures he had with Sapnap and Karl, but the brunette's mind kept wandering off to a certain green-eyed alpha.

Maybe it's time to take the next step...


The following weekend, George and Dream planned a small outing to a bike park and invited all their friends to join them.

The alpha had recently bought Beckerson a bike, with training wheels of course, and was watching over him protectively as the boy peddled down the path designed for children.

Karl, Sapnap, Skeppy, and Bad were in their own little world. Sharing friendly banter and teasing each other while racing down the trail.

George on the other hand was resting under the shade of the trees with Ant, Red, and baby Melissa.

"She really feels at ease with you..." Red commented, as he tightened his hold on his mate, who was seated between his legs.

"Thanks for holding her George, my arms were getting a bit tired..." Antfrost stated.

George giggled softly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping pup in his arms. "It's no problem Ant, I understand your pain," he said, as he turned to look over at Beck who was struggling to bike up a small hump. Dream was instantly at the boy's side and gently pushed the bike over, before helping the boy along the rest of the track.

"Beckerson seems to have grown quite fond of Dream..." Ant commented.

"And Dream seems to be fond of the boy as well," Red added.

"What are you two implying?" George asked with an amused tone.

"Oh come on George... You are smart enough to know exactly what we are implying Mister. Don't even try to act dumb." Ant huffed in frustration.

"I'm just teasing Ant, I have thought about completing our mating. I can see that he's changed and he has been a good father to Beck, but we need to think about Beck's privacy as well. When word gets out that Dream has found a mate, the media will be all over us. I can handle it, but I do not want Beck to be exposed to the judgmental eyes of the public."

"Well how about keeping his identity from the public? It will be hard to hide the fact that you two already have a child, but how about not releasing his face so he can live his life without getting recognized?" Red suggested.

"That's a good idea. I have heard of several celebrates posting family pics but blocking out faces to keep their privacy..." Ant commented.

George thought for a bit, "Hmm...That actually might work, I will bring it up to Dream soon..."

"Oh, and if you need someone to watch Beck while you two get it on, we will gladly volunteer," Red teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut the fu-,"

George stopped himself when he remembered the baby in his arms, so he cleared his throat before continuing.

"Do keep such vulgar thoughts to yourself, Red...especially in front of children," George stated in a posh accent, causing the other two to burst out laughing.


It took a while, but George finally managed to gather up the courage and find the right opportunity to talk to Dream a few days later. The blonde had decided to visit after a long day at work, to unwind and spend time with his mate and pup.

"I am so glad that I bought this for you..." Dream said with a sigh, as he allowed the massage chair to do its work.

George rolled his eyes at the alpha, while he continued scrubbing their dishes from dinner.

"Is Beck out for the night?" Dream asked.

"Yup..." George answered as he finally finished, and wiped his hands dry.


"Yeah?" the brunette answered with an eyebrow raised.

"Come here..."

The omega walked over and stood in front of the alpha, who was still seated comfortably in the massage chair though it was no longer running.

"Need something Killian?" George asked in a teasing tone.

"You..." the alpha answered, before grabbing onto the brunette's hand and tugging George onto his lap.

"My scent's nearly gone...." Dream pointed out, as he redid the scenting process on the omega's neck, making George squirm a bit.

Besides Skeppy and Bad, none of his other co-workers had made the connection between them yet. True, he did smell a bit different, so they knew that he was dating someone. It just didn't cross their minds that it was their big boss.


"Yes, Darling..." Dream whispered out against the omega's neck.

"I think it's time that we mated..."

Dream stiffened, then lifted his head to look George directly in the eye.

"Are you sure that you are ready?"


"and Beck?

"He wants us to be a family, as for his privacy Ant and Red have a suggestion..."

George quickly told Dream about the idea, and the alpha did agree that it sounded favorable.

"Looks like we'll have to dump Beck with Sapnap again..." Dream said with a smirk, "Our pup may start to feel lonely with us leaving him alone so often."

"Beck is a strong boy, and we always shower him with love when we come back..." George pointed out with a smile.

"True..." the blonde responded before capturing George's lips in a soft kiss. "Leave your next weekend open, I'm gonna take you somewhere we can mate without distractions..."

George blushed but nodded.

"Good omega, now I think it's time I head home." Dream stated, pressing a kiss to the omega's temple.


"Well, I have a few plans to make. Plus, I need to get the house ready to welcome both of you. I want you guys to live with me after we mate," The blonde said and George agreed.

After one last kiss, the pair separated for the night.

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