Chapter 11

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The next morning George got out of the hospital bed slowly, to avoid waking Beckerson up. He left the boy a little note, before leaving the hospital to head back home to his apartment, so he could freshen up for work.

While walking back, he passed a club that was closing up. He saw a poster saying that they were looking for more dancers, and for a second there, George was actually considering it.

But he shook his head and continued on his way. I am not going to risk tainting Beck's reputation, for when he finally gets better.

Antfrost and Red greeted him at the lobby, "George! Welcome back! How's little Beck doing?"

"Still smiling brightly," George answered with a small smile.

"Red and I were planning to visit him today, to give our late birthday gift," Ant said.

"I'm sure he would like that," George answered before entering his room.

Once properly dressed, he quickly made his way to work, where he saw Bad and Skeppy waiting for him anxiously. When they spotted him, they ran over and gave him a quick hug.

"That man didn't touch you did he?" Bad asked.

"Not in a harmful way," George responded with a smile.

His beta friends breathed out a sigh of relief.

"We were planning to come with you and visit Beck yesterday but...well you know what happened, so is it okay if we tag along today?" Skeppy asked and George nodded.

"Ant and Red were planning to visit as well. I'm sure that Beck will be happy to see you all." the omega replied.

As the three of them worked, George wondered why he couldn't feel or smell Dream, nor Sapnap the entire day.

Probably had some meeting to attend, he reassured himself.

When the clock stroke five, the men packed up their things, then went to pick up Ant and Red in Skeppy's car. After that, they drove to the hospital where they met Karl at the entrance.

"Hey, guys! Long time no see!" The doctor greeted the mated pairs. "I was just about to check in on Beck," he added as they started walking towards the room.

The group were chatting and laughing, as they shared a couple of stories on their way to Beckerson's room, but the happy atmosphere was quickly ruined the minute that they entered.

Seated on the bed was a very excited Beck, and he was talking about something to a blonde and a raven head. When the boy turned to see the newcomers, his smile widened.

"Papa! You're finally here! Look papa, I made a new friend today! This is Mr. Killian and Mr. Armstrong," the boy stated excitedly, unaware of the panic that had seized George's heart.

The rest of the group suddenly felt very protective and angry, especially Karl, who marched right up to Sapnap.

"I believe I told you to stay away," he hissed.

Sapnap shot the doctor a smirk, "Sorry Doc, but I take orders from this guy," he said as he pointed towards Dream.

"Papa? Are you okay?" Beck asked, when George just stood at the doorway, frozen.

This broke the brunette out of the trance he was in, and the omega immediately forced on a smile as he walked over to his son.

"Yes sweetie, just tired," he replied.

Ant and Red immediately joined his side, refusing to look at the two unwanted guests. "Belated Happy birthday Beck!" they said handing the boy a gift bag.

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