Chapter 33

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Still Smut


"Hey, Beck..." Dream greeted, grinning evilly at the tied-up omega, whose face was contorted in panic.

George's heart sped up when Dream put the call on speaker and placed the phone on his pillow, right beside his head.

"Dad, are you okay? Why did you call? When are you coming home?" the boy asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Hmm sorry pup, but I might not come home for a while. Your papa needs me to take care of him..." Dream said as he reached down, and started to stroke George's leaking member.

The brunette bit his lip. There was no way in hell, that he would let his son hear him moan out in pleasure. He glared at Dream, who found amusement in the omega's predicament.

"You're with papa right now?" Beck asked, his voice suddenly sounding cheerful.

"I am, unfortunately, he can't speak with you right now, since he's a bit busy at the moment." Dream answered, as his thumb traced over the head of George's shaft, making the omega softly hiss.

"That's fine Dad, Sapnap told me that the kind of sickness papa has is one that only a mate can heal. So please stay there and take care of papa."

Dream stopped his movements, and George quietly whimpered at the loss, despite his better judgment.

"Sapnap said that? Could you please put him on the phone?"

The sound of movement crackled through the phone, as Dream fully removed his hand from George's cock, and went up one more notch on the vibrator's settings.

This time George could hardly hold his moan in. He turned his face away from the phone, and bit his lip even harder, drawing a bit of blood.

"Hello Dream..." Sapnap's smug voice spoke up.

"What the hell are you telling my son?" the alpha asked.

"Relax Dream, I didn't go into detail. I bet you won't be coming home for a while though, do you need me to bring over some clothes?"

"Yes please, and take care of Beck as well."

"Will do boss..." the raven-haired man answered before handing the phone back to Beck.

"Beck, Sapnap, and Karl will be taking care of you, but if you need me do not hesitate to call," he told the boy.

"Okay Dad, just take care of papa and tell him that I love him."

"Of course pup, goodnight Beck." he said, and the pup said his own goodbyes.

Once the call ended, Dream placed the phone on the bedside drawer and looked back at George who was scowling at him.

"You idiot! What if he heard me!" George scolded, before pouting.

Dream bent down to kiss away the omega's frown and pout.

"Relax darling, you did a good job at staying for your reward." Dream said in a seductive tone.

He lowered the vibrator back to its first setting, making the omega sigh with relief.

Due to all the stress caused by the phone call, George's arousal had died down significantly, and his erection became a bit limp. Dream was quick to correct this by taking the tip of the brunette's cock into his mouth, and George let out a string of moans as a response.

"Take the stupid ring off already..." the omega begged.

"Soon baby...just be a bit more patient." Dream replied, before lowering his head and taking in all of George's length. He swirled his tongue over the head, making the omega's cock return to its weeping form.

"Dream, please...I can't take more..." George pleaded.

This time the alpha listened and removed his mouth from George's length with a loud pop, he then turned off and removed the vibrator. Grabbing the dildo, he proceeded to lube it up with George's slick.

George released a pleased sigh when he finally felt the toy enter his hole and moaned loudly when Dream started to pump the toy into him.

"Hmm...if I remember correctly..." Dream muttered out, as he pushed the dildo in a different angle. The toy hit the omega's prostate dead on, and the brunette screamed out in pleasure.

Dream smiled proudly before bending over and kissing George long and hard. "Hah, after all these years..." he bragged before the brunette lifted his head to reconnect their lips.

Dream continued to thrust the toy into George while they kissed, till the omega was writhing in pleasure, and pleading for his release.

"Cum for me George," the alpha commanded, as he removed the cock ring and George's body shook along with his intense orgasm.

George took in deep breaths to help himself come down from his high, while Dream quickly worked to free the omega from the handcuffs. The blonde then cleaned up his omega and the nest, before grabbing a bottle of oil from the drawer and giving the brunette a massage.

"That was the best orgasm that I've ever had..." George commented in a drowsy voice, most likely due to his orgasm and also the soothing massage the alpha was giving.

"I'm glad to hear that George, next time I promise not to tease you so much." The blonde replied while rubbing the omega's wrist, so they wouldn't bruise from the handcuffs.

"You better not, you sadistic creep!" George scolded, making Dream wheeze.

"I'm not that bad George, now sleep."

"But what about you?" George asked, hinting at the obvious boner that the alpha now sported.

"I can take care of myself..."

"But I..."

"No George, go to sleep," the alpha commanded.

"Can we at least cuddle..." the omega asked, slightly blushing.

Dream gave him a gentle smile, before wiping his hands clean of the oil. "Of course," he replied.

Dream then laid down and pulled the omega closer to him. George tucked his face into the blonde's neck and inhaled the alpha's scent deeply before they both drifted off to sleep.

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