Chapter 12

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The next day was finally the start of the weekend, and George fully planned to spend it with Beckerson. But his conversation with Dream kept popping up in his head, so the omega decided that it was finally time to tell his son the truth.


"Yes papa?" the boy replied, as he continued to play with his new fish plushie.

"I want to talk to you about something important, okay?"

"Okay, papa, what is it about?" The boy asked, setting the toy aside.

George took a deep breath, "It's about your father, your other father to be exact..."

The boy looked at George with curious eyes, "But you said you didn't like to talk about him."

"Yes, but that isn't fair to you. So if you want to know about your father, then I will tell you whatever I can."

"Okay, he seems like a nice man anyway," Beck stated nonchalantly, making the Omega's eyes widen in surprise.

"What? My other father is Mr. Killian, right?" the boy asked, surprising his father even more.

"Well...yes but how...?" George stuttered out.

"I noticed that we look similar, and you guys weren't exactly being, uh... what's the word? Subtle?"

George forced his gaping jaw close. Looks like he had a genius for a son. He needed to remember to let Beck take an IQ test when he's old enough.

"Yes honey, subtle, okay now we were very young when I had you. I want you to know that he did not know about you till recently, so do not think that he abandoned you, alright?" he clarified.

"Okay papa, so can I see him again?"

George quirked an eyebrow at his son, with a small smile. "You want to see him again?" he asked in a gentle voice.

"Yeah!" Beck answered excitedly.

"Well okay then, I'll tell him about your decision."


Monday morning came, and Dream was once again buried in paperwork. The blonde was currently rubbing his temples, to help alleviate his oncoming headache.

Too many things have been happening recently since he found George, and to think that his mate spent the past six years caring for a child on his own.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a knock on his door. Sapnap peeked in with a bright smile plastered on his face. The blonde was about to ask what his friend was smiling about when George walked in with a blank expression.

"George?" the Alpha called nervously after Sapnap shut the door, so the pair could have some privacy.

"Beck wants to see you again," he plainly stated.

"Wait really?" the blonde asked in excitement.

"Yes, so if you are free this weekend, you can come to the hospital for a visit."

"Um...actually I was planning on taking him to the amusement park if that's okay?"

George gave him an incredulous look, " son is hooked up to a drip and a nasal cannula. How the hell are you gonna take him out? And won't you be recognized by the public? I would rather not subject my son to the prying eyes of the press."

"Our son," the Alpha corrected, "and I'll have measures in place to prevent that from happening. Sapnap will discuss with Dr. Jacobs, to see if there is a safe way for Beck to enjoy the outdoors. He told me that he hasn't left the hospital in over a year, so I thought that it might make a good late-birthday present."

George sighed, "Fine, but I will be going with you."

"Of course, I want to spend time with you as well, not just our son."

"No Dream, you can be a part of Beck's life, but not mine."

"Well... we will see how long that stubbornness of yours will last," Dream stated smugly.

George huffed in annoyance and turned to leave.

"George..." Dream called again, and the brunette glanced back at him.

"Thanks for giving me a chance."

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for Beck." the Omega clarified.

The alpha sighed as George exited the room. He then immediately called Sapnap in, so they could start making preparations for the weekend.


George let out a sigh, as he helped Beck dress up for his meeting with Dream.

Karl said that it would be okay for Beck to be off the drip and oxygen for a few hours, but the boy was not to do anything tiring. The doctor reminded them to keep a close eye on the boy, since Beckerson may choose to not inform them if he felt any discomfort, so he could stay at the park longer.

"Where is Mr. Killian taking us, papa?"

"I believe the amusement park nearby," he answered, as he helped his son into a jacket.

"I've never been to one before, what's it like papa?"

George gave his son a small smile, "You'll see when we get there."

The pair left the hospital and hopped into the car that was waiting outside for them. Sapnap was at the wheel, while Dream joined them in the backseat.

"Excuse me, mister," the boy said, while cutely tugging on the blonde's sleeve.

"Yes Beck, what is it?" the alpha asked sweetly.

"Do I need to call you Mr. Killian?"

"I would prefer if you called me Dream for now," the blonde answered, as he ruffled the boy's brown hair, making the child giggle.

George watched the interaction with a small smile. Well... so far so good. I just need to get through the day, he thought as he turned his attention to the window, while Beck and Dream continued to chat in the background.

George was a bit surprised to find no line at the entrance of the park and was even more shocked when he found the place practically deserted.

"I rented the whole place out, so no one will disturb us." Dream explained.

Beckerson immediately ran straight to the carousel, with Sapnap following closely behind as his guard.

"Sweetie, don't run, the ride isn't going anywhere," George called after his son, but the boy was already too far away to hear.

George sighed, but tensed up when he felt Dream's hand on his shoulder.

"Relax George, let him have a little fun." the Alpha said with a smile.

The omega shrugged off the blonde's hand and backed away. This hurt Dream, but he decided that he would let the brunette have his space.

The rest of the day was spent following the energetic boy around the park. If one didn't know better, you would have thought that he was a perfectly healthy pup.

Beckerson would often runoff, then come back to show George what he found. The brunette would then show him affection, by either hugging him or pecking his forehead.

Seeing them like this tugged on Dream's heartstrings, making him wish to be part of the picture very soon. For now, he would wait till they were ready to welcome him... till George was ready to accept him.

What if he never does? A voice nagged at the back of the blonde's head, but he silenced it. I will do whatever it takes to show them how much I care about them, so that won't happen. 

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