Chapter 5

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Yes, Dream was an Alpha, and he was perfectly capable of acting as one when doing business. Which is one of the reasons why he managed to become the successful businessman that he was today.

The real Dream Killian however, was nothing more than a child, who had his fair share of tantrums from time to time. And unfortunately, being his best friend and also his personal assistant, Sapnap had to deal with his childish fits.

"Come on Dream, get out from under there," Sapnap said in the gentlest tone that he could muster since he was trying to coax out 'the supposed to be Alpha' from underneath his desk.

In the Alpha's crying fit, the blonde had rolled back and forth on the ground and had managed to roll under his desk. He was now curled up with his knees close to his chest, blubbering indistinguishable words, while rocking himself back and forth.

"George hates me," he sobbed out while burying his face between his pulled-up knees.

"Well if you didn't act like such an asshole, then maybe he would warm up to you." Sapnap pointed out.

"But omegas want a strong Alpha, so I have to seem dominant if I am to catch his attention." Dream muttered back.

"George isn't your average omega, Dream. You should have figured that out while growing up with him back home right? Wasn't that one of the reasons that you had a crush on him?" Sapnap pointed out.

Yes, the real reason why Dream bullied the poor brunette back home was all because he was childish, and had a huge crush on him. Sapnap had continually told him that he shouldn't be such an ass to the guy, but Dream didn't know any other way to get his attention.

"Then what am I supposed to do Sapnap?" the blonde asked.

"How about you come out from there first, then we get some ice for your cheek so it doesn't swell. After that, we can come up with better ways for you to impress him." Sapnap suggested as he held out his hand.

The blonde nodded and reached out to take his friend's hand, making Sapnap sigh with relief. The pair then went to find some ice for the Alpha's slowly reddening cheek.


Meanwhile back at the cubicles, Skeppy and Bad were chatting while waiting for George, so they could leave together. Their conversation was cut short when they smelt the distressed scent of their friend, who arrived a few seconds later.

The brunette then proceeded to pack up everything, including all the items that he usually left on his desk.

"George? What are you doing muffin?" Bad asked with concern.

"I'm quitting," he muttered out as he continued to gather his stuff in a fury.

"Whoa, okay, calm down George, what happened?" Skeppy asked as he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Nothing," George replied keeping his back towards them.

"George, you disappeared to see the CEO after his assistant called you, then you come back and say that you're quitting, surely something did happen." Bad stated, "Did he say something mean?"

When George stayed silent, Skeppy whirled him around so he now faced them. The pair gasped when they saw his flushed cheeks and watery eyes.

"Did the CEO do something to you George?" Skeppy asked, his voice laced with concern.

No answer...

"George, what happened? Why did the CEO immediately call for you after arriving? Do you know each other?" Bad continued to gently probe.

At the last question, George's eyes widened in fear, and his hand instinctively reached for his mark under his collar.

"Is he..." Bad asked carefully, and George nodded slowly.

Skeppy and Bad's eyes softened with sympathy. "Oh George," they breathed out before wrapping him in a hug.

The only people that knew of his past were his five friends. He had accidentally shared the story after a night of too many drinks. They didn't judge him however, and became his source of strength throughout the years.

"We're so sorry George," they said.

"But you can't quit muffin, you know that you need the money." Bad pointed out.

"How about this, you continue to work here while Bad and I help you find a new job. But if it ever gets too much, then you can quit and stay with us till you get back on your feet." Skeppy said.

George sent them smiles of gratitude, and together they left the building.

"Are you sleeping at your apartment or..." Skeppy trailed off.

"I think I'll stay at my apartment tonight," George responded.

"Alright then, call us if you need anything," Bad said.

They waved goodbye and George started the walk home. He had to sell his car for money a few years ago, but he didn't mind walking. It was good exercise.

Just then he heard a car pull up beside him. "Hop in," Dream said.

"No, thank you," George replied coldly, before walking away. He huffed in annoyance when the car continued to follow him.

"Will you stop being stubborn," the blonde said.

"Sure, when you stop being persistent," George retorted.

The driver's window then rolled down to reveal a smiling Sapnap. "Just get in George, we just want to catch up, and see how you've been doing."

"I don't remember us being close enough to participate in such activities," George responded, as he continued to stomp down the sidewalk.

They were starting to garner a crowd. It wasn't every day that you see an Omega being chased down by a Beta and Alpha in a fancy car.

Dream was getting impatient, he quickly opened the car door and got out.

"Dream no!" Sapnap called, but the blonde would not listen.

"George, come on. I'm sorry for what I said and did to you back then. Please can we work this out, we are mat-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" George warned before he continued to walk away.

Dream had enough, "STOP!" he commanded in a loud voice, making every Omega and Beta nearby freeze in their tracks including George. The blonde continued to glare at the Omega, which made the brunette tremble and fall to his knees.

"Dream stop it!" Sapnap yelled in a strained voice, which managed to bring the Alpha back to his senses.

When he realized what he had done, he quickly ran over to the omega and reached down to help him up.

"George I-"

His hands were harshly slapped away by the Omega, who looked at him with intense hatred.

"Don't touch me," George said, his voice dripping of venom before he stood up and walked away.

This time, neither the Alpha nor the Beta tried to stop him.

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