Chapter 22

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The blonde gave George a silly smile, as he stood there dripping wet from the rain.

"Oh my goodness, get in quickly!" the omega said as he opened the door wider for the alpha.

George then quickly but quietly made his way to the closet and grabbed an extra towel before returning to the soaking alpha.

"I was heating some water for tea, but I think you should use it to shower off. Wouldn't want you to get sick now..." he said as he guided Dream to his tiny bathroom, and handed him the towel. George then walked back to the kitchen and grabbed the hot water.

He had a medium-sized bucket full of water for such emergencies. He also grabbed Beckerson's sandcastle bucket from the toy chest, so Dream had something to scoop the water with.

After making sure that the water was just the right temperature, George left the blonde to do his business. He then went back into his room to grab some clothes that were a bit big for him but would fit Dream perfectly.

Ha...and the boys always laughed at me for being paranoid about disasters, and buying stuff that I probably would never use. Who's laughing now! George thought in his head, as he recalled the countless times that his friends had teased him for being over-prepared for situations.

He knocked on the bathroom door, hoping that the alpha could hear him over the splashes of water.

"Dream, I've got some clothes for you, I'm coming in." He said before turning the knob and stepping in.

He had full intention of just placing the clothes by the sink and leaving immediately, but just as he set the items down the shower curtains were pushed aside, and out stepped Dream with only a towel on.

The dim light of the candle that George had set up in advance, was just enough for the brunette to take in the alpha's form.

Damn, has he been working out these past few years? George thought.

"Enjoying the view omega?" Dream asked with a smug expression.

"Actually yes. I didn't expect my high-school bully, that got me pregnant, to turn out so fine," George replied with a smirk, and Dream raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Wow, and I didn't expect you to answer that honestly. I thought you would lie, or at least get embarrassed and turn away." the blonde pointed out.

"You already caught me looking so there would be no point in lying, and I am a man that appreciates beauty," George replied.

"You think I'm beautiful George?" The alpha said in a teasing tone.

"Yes," George answered bluntly with a deadpan expression, causing Dream to wheeze.

"Now get dressed Alpha, before I start drooling," the brunette stated playfully as he threw the clothes at the blonde, and grabbed Dream's wet clothes on the way out.

He wouldn't be able to wash them in the dark, but he could at least soak them till the power came back on. He quickly did this before returning to the kitchen, to heat some water again for his tea.

When Dream finally stepped out of the bathroom, he headed over to the kitchen to help George. Soon the pair found themselves on the couch sipping on the hot drink.

"What on earth possessed you to drive out here in this storm?" George asked.

"I just had to make sure that you both were alright, I tried calling but I couldn't reach you."

"Dream, I spent 6 years fending for myself and Beck in this cruel world. I think I can handle a storm." George pointed out.

"That doesn't exactly make me feel better..." the blonde argued. "I want to be absolutely sure that you and Beck are safe at all times."

"I know that our situation is hard for you, and I want you to know that I truly appreciate how understanding you've been."

"Anything for you George..." the alpha answered.

"Simp!" George stated with a smirk.

The alpha shot him an evil smile, making the brunette gulp nervously. Before George could react Dream had him pinned down on the couch, and was tickling him without mercy.

"Dream stop!" George shrieked as the blonde continued his assault on the poor omega's body.

After some time, the pair had exhausted themselves from all the giggles and wheezes. Both were panting heavily with wide smiles on their faces. Tension then settled in the atmosphere when they both realized the position they were in.

Dream had George caged on the couch, their faces merely inches apart. Their gazes met, and Dream found himself getting lost in the omega's eyes. He shifted his weight to one hand and used the other to slowly caress the brunette's cheek, which was now dusted pink with blush.

"George..." the blonde whispered as he closed the distance between them.

The omega's nervousness took over and he bit his lip, his body shaking from the nerves.

Seeing this the blonde froze, "I won't do anything without your consent George, just say the word and I'll back away." he said.

The omega was silent for a moment, then he opened his mouth to speak.

"Papa?" Beck's sleepy voice cut through the silence, and the pair immediately scrambled off each other.

They turned their red faces towards their son, who was rubbing his eyes groggily. However, the minute that the boy saw Dream, all signs of tiredness left his face.

"Dad!" he yelled as the pup quickly ran over, and lunged himself into the alpha's arms.

"Hey buddy, did we wake you? Sorry about that..." Dream said in an apologetic tone, as he ruffled the boy's hair.

"It's okay, I'm happy that you came to visit us." the boy giggled.

"I'm really happy to see you, Pup, but it's late and you need to go back to sleep."

The boy pouted making his parents laugh.

"Don't worry sweetie, he'll still be here when you wake up, right Dream?" George reassured.

"Yup, I'll join you for breakfast in the morning before I go," the blonde promised.

With a smile, Beckerson made his way back to the bedroom, while George grabbed his and Dream's empty mugs and placed them in the sink. He then went to his closet to find an extra blanket, a small pillow, and Dream's newly washed, borrowed hoodie.

"When I bought these for you, I had no idea that I would be the first to use them." Dream stated as he took the items, making the brunette giggle.

When he noticed his hoodie, he pointed it out to the brunette.

"It can get a bit chilly and the blanket isn't exactly warm. Figured you would need it," he stated and the blonde thanked him.

"Goodnight Dream," George said as he started to walk back to the bedroom, but stopped when Dream gently grabbed his hand.

The blonde brought it to his lips and laid a gentle kiss on it. "Goodnight George," he said.

The brunette blushed but managed to give Dream a shy smile before heading to his bedroom.

The blonde let out a sigh of contentment and laid down on the couch. The scent of his mate and pup soothed him and helped him fall asleep. 

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