Chapter 24

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"You alright?" Dream asked as he kept his hold on the omega.

"Yup," George replied, popping the p.

The brunette then proceeded to move slowly down the track. It took a bit of time, but eventually, the omega was stable enough to let go of the blonde. Dream still made sure to stay nearby, in case anything should happen.

"Papa!" Beck yelled in a happy tone as he rolled towards the omega, and hugged his leg.

"Having fun Beck?" George asked, smiling fondly at his son.

"Yes Papa, I hope that I never get sick again, so I can have more fun with you!" The boy replied in a cheerful tone, and a few tears formed in the omega's eyes.

George blinked them back and crouched down to hold his son in a tight embrace. "Me too honey, me too," he whispered.

Memories of the past years flooded the omega's mind. How he would mop up the club's floors back in college when he was starting to show, and could no longer work the pole. The sleepless nights that he spent watching Beck's heart monitor when the pup was newly born, constantly praying that his little boy would live. Those terrible days he spent worrying about how he would be able to care for his son while continuing his own schooling.

It all seemed so long ago. Seeing the pup now, smiling and healthy, made his heart burst with pride and love. He used to curse himself for being so stupid to have forgotten about protection that night. He even considered abortion, but the second that he saw the little bean on the ultrasound screen, his heart melted. He knew then that he would do whatever it takes to care for his child.

"Papa? Are you okay?" Beck asked with concern when he saw the brunette's watery eyes.

"Yes honey," the omega answered wiping the tears away. "Papa's fine..."

The boy smiled and with a little push from George, he skated back to Sapnap and Karl. The omega then felt a strong hand on his shoulder, but it didn't frighten him, for he could tell who it was by the scent.

"Are you alright George?" Dream asked from behind him.

"Yes," the omega answered, as he covered the alpha's hand with his own hand. He then turned to face the blonde, with their hands still linked.

"I just want to say thank you Dream, for giving me such a wonderful gift..." the brunette stated while motioning towards Beckerson, who was laughing at something that Sapnap said.

"I may have not appreciated the gift at first, but Beck gave me a reason to wake up every morning and be productive, so thank you."

Dream pulled George closer so their chests were touching, and raised their joined hands up to his face. He pulled down his mask a bit, to place a gentle kiss on the brunette's knuckles.

He then covered his mouth again with the mask before replying, "You're welcome."


"Boys..." George breathed out, as he tried to stifle a giggle.

Dream and Beck both turned to see the omega, who had one hand on his hip and a paper bag in the other. The brunette was trying his best to hold a stern expression.

After their roller-skating fun, the group went their separate ways. Karl and Sapnap ran off somewhere, while the three of them returned back to the apartment. George had gone out to get some groceries, leaving Beckerson with Dream since the pup wanted to try and bake some cookies.

Nothing that difficult right? What could possibly go wrong?

Well, it turns out, everything!

George had been gone for a maximum of ten minutes and returns to find the kitchen in disarray. With patches of flour on the alpha and pup's hair, clothes, and faces.

"Sorry papa," the boy mutters out at the same time that Dream says "Sorry for the mess George."

The omega lets out an exasperated sigh, then marched right up to them. "Shower, now!" he orders in a strict voice, and the pair quickly scrambled towards the bathroom.

After George leaves out a set of clothes for the both of them by the sink, he quickly keeps the stuff that he bought, then sets to work cleaning the mess. Being quick and efficient, he manages to clean up just before the pair step out of the shower, fresh and dressed.

George fixes up the cookie dough, then hands cookie cutters to the other two. Once all the cookies were on the tray, George places them in the oven, and the trio sits down for a movie while waiting for the treats to bake.

The day goes by quickly, and after tucking Beckerson into bed, George escorts the alpha out to his car.

"Thanks for today Dream. Beckerson's been so happy lately, and it's all thanks to you." George said with a smile.

"I'm just trying to make up for the lost time. Though George, I would really like to spend time with you as well. Could we go out sometime, just us two?"

George stayed quiet for a minute, and the alpha braced for rejection.

"Of course Dream, I would like that..." George answered with a smile, making Dream's heart pound wildly with delight.

"Great I'll make plans right away!" he stated a bit too excitedly. This made the brunette giggle and the blonde's face turned red in embarrassment.

"Well... I- I best be going..." the blonde stuttered out as he turned to leave.

"Dream..." George called out softly.

The alpha turned his head back and felt the brunette's lips lightly peck his cheek.

"Good night," the omega breathed out, his eyes twinkling at the stunned alpha.

George then gracefully walked back to his apartment, while Dream stood there frozen. The thing that brought him out of his trance, was the click of the door closing.

He then headed to his car, where he slumped down against the steering wheel. Ah...I can't take much more of this! He internally yelled, trying to gain back his control before straightening up, and driving away.

Inside his apartment, George leaned against his door, till he heard the engine of Dream's car come to life and drive away.

The brunette let out a sigh as his fingers brushed his lips, finding them tugged up in a silly smile. He giggled a bit before heading to his bedroom.


Fun Fact for the new readers: George's backstory was heavily inspired by Clean Bandit's song "Rockabye" (●'ω`●)

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