Chapter 26

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"Bye Bad, Bye Skeppy see you both tomorrow," George said as he waved his beta friends goodbye, and headed towards Dream's office.

He knocked on the door before entering. Inside he found Dream and Beckerson whispering to each other. When the pair noticed him, they immediately stopped and feigned an innocent look.

"Papa!" Beck yelled as he ran over to hug the brunette, yet George could tell that the boy seemed a little too excited. He stooped down to lift his son then held him close.

"What were you boys talking about?" the omega asked.

The pup tensed in his arms, and he saw Dream look away.

"Okay that is totally not sus..." he stated in sarcasm. "What are you boys up to?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing papa, we were just talking..." Beckerson stated.

"Hmm..." George hummed, totally not convinced. His gaze kept shifting from the boy in his arms to the alpha.

"You'll find out later George, as for now... how about I take you guys home," Dream suggested, and George agreed.

They met Sapnap at the parking lot, and the raven head drove them back to the apartment.

"When can we see Ant and Red again papa?" Beckerson asked as they entered the apartment.

"We can visit them this weekend..." George answered.

"No, not this weekend!" the boy suddenly exclaimed.

"Why not?" the brunette asked curiously.

The boy didn't answer, instead, he look at Dream before turning his gaze to the ground.

"Sorry Dad, I didn't mean to ruin the surprise..." the boy said in a shaky voice.

"It's okay Beck, I was planning to tell him anyway..." The blonde reassured the child with a smile.

"Okay, what's going on?" George asked.

Dream then turned towards him and flashed the brunette a sly smile. "George Henry Davidson, will you go on a date with me this weekend," he asked bowing low, and though the blonde tried his best to be serious, George could see a hint of a smile tugging at the alpha's lips.

George giggled, "You are so weird, but yes, I would love to go out with you this weekend."

Dream looked up at him with a childish smile, before turning to Beck."Let's go!" they cheered happily, making George burst out in merry peals of laughter.


"You look very handsome papa," Beckerson said, as he handed the brunette a black hoodie.

"Thank you, sweetheart," George replied with a smile.

He had thought of dressing up for the date, but Dream had told him to dress casually, leaving the brunette to wonder what exactly the alpha had planned for the evening.

"Don't worry papa, you will love this date..." Beck assured as he crawled onto George's lap to peck his father on the forehead.

"Can't you at least give me a hint on what your dad has planned for this evening," George said, looking at his son with pleading eyes.

The boy gave him a sly smile and moved his hand acting like he was zipping his mouth shut.

"Pity..." George said with a sigh. "I was thinking about bringing you some sweets from your favorite bakery tomorrow..."

Beckerson's eyes suddenly lit up, and a conflicted look crossed his face. George had to bite his cheek, to stop himself from laughing at his son's crushed expression.

"I don't want any sweets," the boy whispered out in a pained voice, his eyes getting watery.

George was pleased with his son's loyalty, but he was merely joking. He had every intention on bring home some treats for his pup, yet he wanted to see how far he could test his son.

"Are you sure?" The omega asked the pup, who nodded his answer, though his bottom lip was shaking.

"Alright then," George stated nonchalantly, as he stood up and placed his son back on the ground.

He then went into the living room to wait for Dream to arrive. Beck followed behind him slowly and cuddled up to his side. The boy seemed genuinely upset and wanted a hug, which George happily gave.

The boy's somber mood only broke when there was a knock at the door. "Dad's here!" he shrieked, as he ran towards the door.

The boy threw open the door to greet the alpha, who was wearing a dark green jacket, jeans, and his usual white smiley face mask.

"Hey pup!" the blonde said as he hugged the boy, and lifted him to peck his cheek, making Beckerson giggle.

George smiled at their interaction, before standing up from the couch and making his way over to them.

"Hey," Dream greeted bashfully when he saw his pretty mate.

"Hi," George replied in the same tone, before taking Beck, who was reaching out to the omega for a goodbye hug.

"Behave okay, and don't stay up too late..." George reminded his pup, who kissed him on the cheek before nodding.

"Thanks for watching him Sapnap," George said to the beta, who stood behind Dream. Though Ant and Red had already returned from the hospital with their pup, George decided not to bother them just yet. Newborns tend to be a handful after all.

"No problem George," Sapnap answered.

"Oh and I called Karl over to keep you company," the omega said with a smug smile, loving the blush that soon colors the beta's face.

As if on cue, the omega doctor suddenly popped up from behind them.

"Hey, George!" He greeted with a smile, but when he saw Sapnap he froze.

"Sapnap?" he stated in confusion.

"Oops, did I not tell you that Sapnap was gonna watch Beck with you?" George asked in fake innocence.

His friend shot him a look that clearly said, 'you planned this?' and George replied with his own proud smile that said 'I did!'

"Shall we get going?" George stated, taking Dream's hand and pulling him away before Karl or Sapnap could voice their concerns.

"Have fun now!" George yelled over his shoulder, to the blushing doctor and beta.

"That was just evil George," Dream pointed out with a smile when they got into the car.

George hummed as he buckled his seat belt. "Well, Sapnap's always busy taking care of you, and Karl spends too much time at the hospital. I just thought that they could use a good excuse to hang out."

The blonde shook his head and chuckled before starting the car.

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