Chapter 6

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Antfrost was arranging some flowers into a vase, that sat upon the apartment complex's front desk when a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind. A smile instantly formed on the omega's lips, as he turned his head to kiss his mate.

"How are you feeling?" Red asked.

"I am fine Red, just like I was five minutes ago and five minutes before that," he said with a laugh. "Darling, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean that you have to check on me every single time."

Red frowned and kissed his mate on the head, while gently rubbing the bump on Ant's stomach. "I can't help it Ant, this is our first child after all."

Just then George stomped into the lobby and angrily made his way towards his room on the ground floor. Not noticing the Beta and Omega staring at him in bewilderment.

"George? What's wrong dear?" Red asked.

This broke the brunette away from his frustrated mindset, and he turned to look at his friends, who also happened to be the landlords of the apartment complex.

"Nothing, just a bad day at work." came the answer.

"Why do I smell an Alpha's scent coming from you?" Antfrost asked confused, and once again George's hands flew up to his mark. It had been a habit that he tried to break but to no avail.

Ant and Red's eyes softened with understanding. "I made some cookies today, I can bring some over to your room later." Antfrost offered.

George gave them a small smile and nodded, before heading to his room.

His apartment was small but cozy, with the living room and kitchen connected. It also had one bedroom and a bathroom. He lived simply, without even a TV, since he couldn't afford one.

His room was specially designed for Omegas since it would trap his pheromones inside when he went into heat. His heats were much more painful now that he was marked, but it was slowly reverting to the regular pains.

Once inside his bedroom, he took out some soft cloths and blankets, that he kept specially for nesting, and spread them on his bed. He laid on the soft material, hoping that it would help him calm down after a stressful day.

A few minutes later, Antfrost arrived with a plate of cookies.

George nibbled on them while Ant snuggled up to him, releasing a calming scent that soon made George fall asleep. The omegas cuddled together, till Antfrost was sure that his friend was out for the night.

Quietly, Ant left the room and closed the door, before making his way over to his mate. "Is he okay now?" Red asked.

"No, but he will be."


The next morning George washed and dressed, then prepared a simple breakfast.

I need this job, but if Dream tries to touch me again, I'll punch him... then quit.

When he arrived at his work cubicle, he found three blue roses on top of his keyboard. Confused, he picked up the note.

I'm sorry about yesterday

Can we talk?

-Dream :)

George crumpled up the note and threw it in the bin, along with the roses. He then started up his computer and got to work immediately, only stopping to greet Skeppy and Bad when they arrived.


Dream had his legs pulled up on the seat, as he rocked back and forth.

Sapnap sighed If the investors could see him now.

"He threw the roses away Sapnap, he doesn't want to talk to me!" he muttered out.

"Dream you need to be more patient with the guy, you did give him a hard time back home."

Dream nodded his head in understanding, "Did you get the chocolates?"

Sapnap nodded and lifted a small box of expensive chocolates. "I'll personally deliver them to George, anything that you want to write him?"

Dream smiled at his friend but shook his head. With that Sapnap exited the office, leaving the blonde to continue his work.


"How about this one?" Bad whispered to George. The brunette and Skeppy leaned over to see the man's screen, which had another company's hiring announcement on it.

"Hmmm... the pay isn't as big as here, but it seems fairly decent," Skeppy concluded.

"Okay I'll send in my resume this afternoon," George stated excitedly.


The trio spun around to see Sapnap standing behind them, with the box of chocolates in his hand.

"Sapnap!" George cried in surprise, as all three of them tried to subtly cover up Bad's screen.

"Dream wanted me to give these to you," the raven-haired man explained as he held out the box.

"Thanks," George muttered as he took the present, and the Beta flashed him a kind smile before returning to Dream's office.

The blonde was currently in the middle of reading a contract when his friend walked in.

"Did he say anything?" Dream asked, his eye sparkling with hope.

"He said thanks."

With that simple word, the blonde felt joy fill his heart and hid his silly grin behind his hands.

"I think that he's looking for a different place to work in," Sapnap informed grimly.

The smile dropped from the Alpha's face, "What? How do you know?"

"I heard him talking about it with his friends, and I saw the hiring ad on their screen."

The alpha's face suddenly turned dark. "Did you get the name of this company?" Dream asked in a serious tone, and Sapnap nodded.

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