Chapter 19

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When the trio reached the cinema, Dream put on some fake glasses and a white face mask with a smiley design, to avoid being recognized. George offered to order the tickets and snacks with Beckerson, then they headed in to find their seats.

The original plan was for Beck to sit between his parents, but the boy had a different idea. Once in, he gently nudged the two to sit beside each other, while he sat on George's right side.

George narrowed his eyes at the boy, who merely put on a face of innocence and sipped on his drink.

'I know what you're doing' George mouthed to his son, who shot him a sly smile before turning his attention to the screen.

"It appears that Beck wants to play matchmaker..."George whispered to Dream, who struggled to hold in a wheeze.

"Let him have his fun, though I do hope he succeeds," Dream replied while wiggling his eyebrows.

George tried to hide his amused smile by covering his mouth with his hand, before turning his focus to the movie. It was a rather decent film which they all enjoyed, and when it ended the trio were all smiles and laughter.

Beck spotted a small stall outside that had tons of little plushies, and let go of George's hand to rush towards it. The stall keeper greeted the boy with a smile and allowed him to hold some of the merchandise.

"Papa! Can I have this one please?" he begged while holding up a green parrot.

"Now Beck, you have enough toys at home..." George pointed out in a firm voice.

"Oh come on George, just one more won't hurt," Dream said as he pulled down his mask to breathe, before reaching into his pocket to pull out his wallet.

"You spoil him," The omega pointed out.

"Of course I do, it's my job to spoil him rotten," the Alpha pointed out with a smirk.

The blonde paid for the item, and the trio headed back to the car. On the way back to the apartment, little Beck fell asleep in George's arms, so they had to carry the boy in.

George quietly laid his son on the bed, then turned to face Dream.

"Could you get a change of clothes for him please, they're on the right side," George whispered.

The blonde nodded and did as he asked. George then gently lifted his son to a sitting position to pull off his shirt, and Dream helped him dress the pup in pajamas. Once done, George tucked in Beckerson with his new plushie and gave him a little peck on the cheek.

"Good night sweetheart," the brunette whispered before he and the alpha left the room and closed the door.

"Would you like some tea before you go?" the omega offered, Dream accepted and made himself comfortable on the couch.

The brunette then quickly went to brew the drink, then tucked Beck's cake away in the fridge. Once it was ready, he poured the warm drink into two mugs, then walked over to hand Dream his share, before taking a seat beside the alpha.

"Hey George...?" the blonde spoke up after taking a sip.

"Hmm," the brunette hummed and looked up to meet the alpha's eyes.

"Why did you run?"

The brunette stiffened a bit, then let out a sigh.

"Because I was scared of what you might do." He answered.

"What do you mean?" Dream asked gently.

"You always said that you would claim me one day. When you marked me that night I wasn't worried at first. In fact, I was kind of happy since I could add the compensation to my savings. But when morning came and I found out that it was you, I knew that you wouldn't let me go, not without humiliating me in some way..." the brunette explained in a shaky voice.

The alpha set his mug on the coffee table in front of him and reached to cup George's hands in his.

"George, do you know why I bullied you when we were younger?" he asked, and the omega shook his head.

"It was because I had the biggest crush on you," he confessed, making the brunette look at him in surprise.

Dream chuckled, "I was dumb and thought that bullying you was the only way for you to notice me. Now I realized how twisted that way of thinking was and I apologize. I should have just told you how I felt and hoped that you would allow me to treasure you properly." George pulled away for a bit to settle his own cup on the table, then allowed the blonde to hold his hands again. The alpha used his thumbs to rub circles onto the brunette's knuckles.

"I knew it was you that night," Dream continued with a small smile on his face. "You may have been wearing a mask, and your scent was covered up by the smell of alcohol and smoke, but I knew that it was you. The birthday boy was my cousin. I wasn't planning to go at first, but when I heard that he was hiring some strippers from a club I changed my mind... I didn't want to waste a chance to see you in action."

"Did you like the performance?" George asked in an amused tone, making Dream wheeze.

"I were absolutely stunning," Dream said with twinkling eyes. "I wasn't going to do anything originally, but then I heard some other guys talking about getting you for the night, and I kind of snapped. Everything that happened after that was purely my inability to control my emotions. I didn't want you to belong to anyone but me. I know that it was selfish but I couldn't bear the thought of you being happy with someone else."

Dream then reached up to touch George's collar, on the side that hid his mark, "So I did the most irresponsible thing ever, and marked you without your consent. When I woke up the next morning and found you gone, I knew that I messed up. I wanted to apologize, so I looked for you during our graduation ceremony, but you didn't attend. I then went to your house with Sapnap. Your parents hadn't even noticed that you were already gone, nor did they seem to care. I really wanted to deck them both..." the blonde confessed, and the brunette giggled.

"I started a business, something small just to keep myself busy, and earn enough money to find you. Yet even with the fortune that I built over the years, we still couldn't pinpoint your location, I was growing desperate. When Sapnap finally managed to trace your whereabouts, I got so excited to see you again, only to mess up because I lacked control. I just really want to thank you George, for giving me a chance when I didn't deserve one..."

His words touched the brunette's heart, and George found himself reaching up to rest one hand on the Alpha's cheek. Dream leaned into the touch and looked at the omega with love and devotion.

"You're welcome Dream..." George whispered with a smile.

A comfortable silence followed, and they finished their drinks in the serene atmosphere. When it was time for the alpha to leave, George escorted him outside the building.

"Good night Dream," George said with a genuine smile.

The blonde took the omega's hand and placed a soft kiss on the knuckles. "Good night George, I'll see you tomorrow..." he said before gently letting go of the brunette's hand and heading to his car.

George waved till the car was out of sight, then he returned to his apartment to change his clothes, and snuggle up to Beckerson for the night.

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