Chapter 25

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The next morning, Dream was back at the company going over a few reports when his door suddenly flew open.

"Dad!" Beckerson yelled as he ran towards the blonde, and launched himself onto the alpha's lap.

"Beck? Dear, why are you here?" The blonde asked in surprise.

"Are you not happy to see me?" the boy asked sadly.

The blonde smiled at the pup's adorableness and held him tight. "Of course I'm happy to see you, pup. I'm just curious as to why you are here instead of the apartment."

Just then a flustered George and Sapnap ran into the room, both gasping for air. In the omega's hand was a child's bag, which belonged to Beckerson.

"Beck Davidson! You come here right now young man!" George demanded in a stern voice, as he pointed to the spot in front of him.

The little boy trembled at the omega's harsh tone. Then he slowly got off Dream's lap and walked toward the scowling brunette with his head lowered.

"I believe that I specifically told you not to run, or leave my side, and what were you thinking yelling out loud for your dad like that? You are lucky that it's still early, and only a handful of people heard you," George scolded, clearly upset at the pup.

"I'm sorry papa...I just wanted to see dad..." the boy muttered out, close to tears.

The brunette closed his eyes and let out a sigh, trying his best to calm down. "Look Beck," George started as he squatted down so that he was at the pup's eye level.

"You know that other people must not know that we have a special connection with your dad. If people find out, it will cause a lot of problems for us." George said, keeping a firm tone but his eyes were gentle.

The boy nodded, "I'm sorry Papa, I won't do it again."

The brunette reached out and ruffled his son's hair, and the boy quickly wrapped his arms around the omega's neck. The pair stayed in the embrace for a while before pulling away.

"I'm sorry that Beck disturbed you, Dream." George apologized.

"It's fine George, but why is he here in the first place?" Dream asked.

"Ant went into labor this morning, and I couldn't find a sitter so I had to bring him with me." The omega replied.

The blonde nodded, "Sap, could you take Beck outside for a few minutes..."

The beta nodded, then gently led the pup outside.

"George, if your co-workers find out that you have a child without a mate, you know that they will think badly of you, right?" Dream said.

"I couldn't care less what they think of me, as long as my friends know my story then I'm good," George stated with determination, but Dream didn't want the brunette's reputation to suffer.

"How about you leave him here in my office with me. I don't have to meet with anyone today, and if I do have to leave, I will ask Sapnap to stay with Beck. You can pick him up after everyone is gone," Dream suggested.

"Are you sure that you can focus on your work while watching a five-year-old?" George asked.

"I'll be fine George, don't worry," Dream said with a smile.

George looked uncertain for a moment before he nodded and accepted the alpha's offer. They then called for Sapnap and Beckerson to join them inside the office, where they informed the boy of the arrangement.

"Papa will pick you up this afternoon. Now be a good pup, and don't cause any trouble for your dad..." George reminded the boy, who nodded and gave the omega one last hug. The brunette handed the boy his bag, then turned to leave. He shot his son a fond smile, before disappearing around the corner.

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