Chapter 18

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A few weeks later, Dream was pacing back and forth in front of the hospital, beside his car. It's already 5:00 what's taking them so long?

"Dream!" a tiny voice calls, and his head immediately snaps in its direction.

"Hey buddy!" the alpha calls cheerfully, as he squats down with arms open wide.

Beckerson lets go of George's hand and immediately runs towards the blonde, throwing his tiny arms around the alpha's neck.

The boy giggles and squirms around excitedly, while Dream stands back up to hold Beckerson by his hip.

"Beck, calm down honey or you're gonna fall," George said.

The boy listened and settled into his father's arms. The three of them slid onto the backseat of the car, and Sapnap drove them to the apartment.

During the car ride, Beckerson would crawl from one window to another, wanting to take in the whole view of the city.

"Beck, sit still. Karl may have said that you are fine now, but he also told you to take it easy, and rest." George reminded.

The boy pouted but crawled over to the omega, and settled on his lap. George gave Beckerson's forehead a little peck, "My goodness, Boy! Who knew that you had this much energy."

Beckerson giggled and reached up to cup his father's cheeks with his tiny hands.

"I love you, papa," he said sweetly.

"I love you too," George replied with a smile, as he gave the boy's cheek another peck.

Dream watched this exchange, with a warm feeling growing in his chest and a smile on his face. His desire to officially become part of this family grew, and he hoped that it would happen soon.


Beck's squeals of excitement filled the tiny apartment, as he lifted out one toy after another, from the chest in the living room.

"Are they really mine?" he asked with eyes twinkling.

"Yes, now come here and say thank you to your father and Sapnap," George said.

The boy ran up and hugged their legs as he expressed his gratitude, earning him a pat on the head from Sapnap, and a hug from Dream.

"I think we should celebrate your discharge, how do dinner and a movie sound?" The blonde suggested, to which the boy's eyes lit up in excitement.

The alpha and the pup then turned their heads toward George, with big pleading eyes. Dream knelt down on the floor so that he was below the brunette's eye level, while Beck stood beside him, both begging him silently to agree.

The omega sighed, "Well alright..."

"Yes!" Dream and Beckerson cheered at the same time before the blonde turned towards Sapnap.

"I will take them Sapnap, and I'll call for someone to pick you up." Dream said, but the beta shook his head.

"It's okay, I've got plans for dinner..." he said as he handed the keys over to Dream.

"Oh really, with who...?" George probed with a smirk. Sapnap merely stuck his tongue out, before going into silent mode.

"Why don't you two get changed, I'll keep Sapnap company till his date arrives." Dream suggested.

So George took Beck to the bedroom to help his pup into a decent outfit, before preparing a bag of necessities.

When the four left the apartment, they found Karl outside, leaning against his car. The doctor's face lit up when he spotted Sapnap, and he gave the beta a little wave. However he brunette's face flushed red when he saw Dream and George smirk at him.

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