Chapter 9

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The trio turned around to find a very angry-looking Dream. George realized what was happening, and released his grip on the now frightened Betas.

"Dream stop, they're mates okay, and they're only my friends. The hug means nothing," George pointed out in a steady voice while moving slowly to stand between the alpha and his friends.

Their bond may be weak, but it was still there. The fact that Alphas were very protective of their mates could spell certain danger for his two friends if the blonde would not calm down.

"Get away from him," Dream growled.

The betas looked at George to see if he wanted them to stay. They may be scared of the alpha, but they were not about to abandon their friend.

"I'll be fine. Skeppy, take Bad and go home," George said without facing them, he needed to keep his eyes on the fuming Alpha.

His friends quickly gathered their things and made their escape. Bad shot him one last look of concern before Skeppy pulled him out of the room. Dream's eyes followed the couple till the door closed, leaving both of them alone.

Once they were gone, the Alpha's dark expression melted away and was replaced with a face that radiated his happiness of being alone with his mate again.

"What is wrong with you? Those two happen to be some of my closest friends, and they are mated to each other for heaven's sake! That was uncalled for Dream!" George yelled.

The blonde flinched and lowered his head in shame. "I don't like it..." he muttered out. "I don't like that others can touch you while I can't," he finished, and George looked at him incredulously.

Rage started to build up in George, and the brunette had to take in a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He would have no filter if he lost control, and he might end up saying something that he would regret.

"Dream, let's just end this..." he started, making the blonde's face fill with panic.

"Let's officially break our bond. You don't need to pay me any compensation. Just pay for the process since I'm on a tight budget right now. I'll even slowly pay you back over time if you want."

Dream immediately strode over to the brunette and gripped onto his shoulders. "Please don't, anything but that," he begged, his eyes starting to water.

"Dream, our bond is practically gone already, it probably won't hurt that much." George tried to reason.

"No!" Dream cried out as he wrapped the brunette in a tight hug.

"Please, anything but that, I'll let you change jobs if that's what you want. I'll pay all your bills, and buy you everything that you need. Just please... don't allow our bond to break." The blonde's voice was shaky since he was close to tears.

George felt a pang in his heart. It took him a minute to realize that it was because Dream was upset, and as his mate, he felt his pain.

Stupid mate bond, he thought, but he still rubbed the blonde's back in a comforting manner all the same.

Dream let out a pleased sigh as his body slowly relaxed. He tightened his hold, and subtly breathed in the omega's scent.

After staying in that position for some time, George glanced at the clock and winced.

Shit, I'm gonna be late.

"Dream, I need to go home," he whispered out gently, hoping not to agitate the Alpha.

Dream pulled away, "Can I at least drive you there?" he asked in a weak voice.

George sighed, he didn't want to waste more time arguing so he agreed. Immediately the blonde's demeanor brightened up, and the pair quickly made their way to his car.

"I haven't seen Sapnap around lately, where is he?" George asked as he buckled himself in.

Dream shifted nervously in his seat, causing George to get a little suspicious.

"I sent him to follow up on an important transaction," Dream lied, before pulling out of the lot and driving off to George's apartment.


"Look, he rents the place but he doesn't sleep here every night," Red explained to an annoyed Sapnap.

"Then do you know where he goes when he isn't here or at work?"

Both Ant and Red remained silent, irritating the beta even more. They obviously knew something and were choosing not to tell him.

Sapnap pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket and placed it on the desk.

"Look just tell me what you know, and if this isn't enough then I can get you more."

The pair scoffed loudly. "Do you really think that we would help you when you obviously have a connection to that asshole?" Antfrost stated.

Sapnap quirked an eyebrow in confusion.

"I can smell a hint of him on you, so I know that you are acquainted. And after knowing what that man put George through, do you think we would tell you anything?" the omega continued, his voice getting angrier with every word.

Were they talking about Dream? I mean, it could only make sense that they could smell Dream's scent on me since I am his personal assistant. They probably got a whiff of his scent from George after that first day. Sapnap thought.

Red held his mate closer to himself to calm him down, "Darling that's enough, think of the pup..." he said as he gently rubbed Antfrost's stomach.

Sapnap grabbed the money back and exited the building. He was planning to try somewhere else when he saw a familiar car approaching. He quickly ducked behind the corner, just as George stepped out of Dream's car. The brunette stood on the sidewalk till Dream drove away.

Sapnap noticed that George seemed to be looking around as if checking to see if he was being watched. Then with a huff, the brunette quickly walked away from his apartment. Finding this behavior odd, Sapnap decided to trail him from afar.

He saw George enter a fancy bakery and select a small cake. The brunette waited for the person at the counter to write something in icing, before taking out the very small amount of bills he had left in his wallet to pay for it.

George then carefully carried his purchase to a bookstore where he also picked out a book, but because of the distance, Sapnap couldn't see what type of book it was. After paying, George exited the shop and continued to walk further away from his apartment.

The Beta's heart dropped when he realized where the omega was heading. His suspicions were only confirmed when George entered a large building, with a sign that read, Jacobs Hospital.

The raven head walked into the building cautiously, hoping not to attract any unwanted attention.

When he saw George enter one of the rooms, he quickly ran to stop the door from closing and peeked in. He had to use his free hand to cover his mouth to silence a gasp.

There on the bed, hooked up to an IV drip and a nasal cannula, was a young boy reading a book.

The boy's face lit up when he saw George, and he immediately placed down his book and reach out for the Omega.


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