Chapter 3

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Warning: Smut & Nonconsensual Marking!


Before George knew it, he was in the stranger's private hotel room. He had requested for the lights to stay off and for the window curtains to be closed, leaving them in complete darkness.

They could only make out each other's figures, but it did not stop the man from undressing the brunette and pressing their lips together.

This would not be the first time that George has gone the extra mile for a client, and at this point, he needed every cent that he could take.

George had expected the man to just fuck him and be done with it, but the stranger surprised him by being very gentle instead. Taking his time to undress the brunette and massaging his thighs, which made George sigh as he lay down on the bed.

The blonde's lips then traveled down George's neck, his teeth lightly grazing around the omega's collar, before moving down to take one of his buds. George threw his head back and let out a whimper, as the stranger's tongue, hands, and lips brought his body to life for the first time in a while.

He was then flipped onto his stomach, with his ass in the air, before the man lapped at the slick that was starting to come from his hole. The stranger then inserted a finger to stretch him out, making George moan and clench around the finger involuntary.

When he was ready, the man slowly pushed himself into the brunette, and George used the pillows to silence his moans. The stranger then leaned over him and gently lifted his head out of the pillow.

"Let me hear you, Baby," He commanded.

And when George obeyed, the blonde reached down to stroke the brunette.

The sound of their pants, moans and the clapping of skin filled the room. After some time the stimulation became too much for the omega, and he came onto the man's hand.

The man grunted his approval, and sped up his thrust, making George scream and see stars when he hit a certain spot.

He could feel the stranger's hand making its way to his neck and removing his collar, but he was trembling too much from the overstimulation to even care at this point.

When the stranger finally came, George felt teeth bite into his neck, marking him and making him come all over again.

The two of them, exhausted and sated, then fell into a deep sleep.


Smut over


The next morning George awoke to find himself still in bed with the stranger. The little light that passed through the curtains, was enough for him to take a proper look around the room.

He sat up slowly, wincing in pain from his activities last night, before reaching up to gently touch his new mark.

His co-workers had been in similar situations, getting marked in the heat of passion then having it removed the next day. They said it would be painful but well worth it since the compensation their partner had to pay was pretty big.

George glanced over at the man who still laid fast asleep on the bed, facing away from him. Curiosity got the better of him, and he slowly got off the bed to see who the man was.

He gasped and nearly fell back when he realized that it was Dream, the very man that he swore never to be with.

There was one drawback to the mark removing process, both parties had to agree to it. And he highly doubted that Dream would just let him go without publicly humiliating him.

In his panic, there was only one thing that he could think of to save himself, and that was to disappear.

So he quickly stood up, got dressed, and placed on his collar to cover his mark. He took the money that the blonde had left out for him before they started last night, then exited the room and made his way to the club.

There he met up with Zelk, Mega, Finn, and Vurb who handed him his gift back. They then led him out to the parking lot to see his new car. It was nothing fancy, but George loved it.

After saying his last bit of goodbyes to the group, he drove to his house, where he showered and dressed, before dragging out all of his already packed belongings, to the trunk of his car.

When this was done, he drove to school where he asked the register for his files and diploma, saying that he couldn't attend the ceremony since something important came up.

Luckily the woman was very understanding and prepared all his documents in a hurry. After saying his thanks, he quickly got back in his car and drove off, just as his classmates were starting to arrive for the graduation ceremony.

He never looked back as he continued to drive to the college that he had selected.

In college, he had to work as a stripper again so he could pay for his tuition, but he never went further than lap dances. Knowing that since he was now marked, it would hurt both him and Dream if either of them did anything sexual with anyone else.

A couple of people in his college did find out about his job, but unlike high school, they did not bother him that much. Just the usual creep or two inviting him over to their place.

After graduating with a degree in computer science he moved again, even farther away from his hometown, to the city where he now currently lived and worked in.

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