Chapter 15

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"Beckerson is reacting well to the treatment. It will be a slow recovery, but he will reach full health. If he keeps this up, we might be able to discharge him in a few weeks." Karl said with a smile.

George breathed out a sigh of relief. It has been a few days since the incident, and Beck seems to be getting stronger with each day passing.

Just then there was a small knock on the door. "How's my boy doing?" Dream asked as he walked over to the bed with a bright smile, Sapnap not far from him.

"Doctor Karl says that I'm getting better, and I can leave the hospital soon." The boy answers happily.

Dream looks up at George as if to confirm the news, and the brunette gives him a nod.

"That's great Beck!" Dream said hugging the boy and making the latter giggle.

George's lips tugged up in a small smile. True to his word, Dream has been trying to prove that he is a changed man. He doesn't bother George at work and doesn't get jealous when the omega spends time with his friends. He also makes time to visit Beck as much as possible. In return, George decided to act civil towards the alpha, and the two would chat from time to time.

After playing with the boy for an hour or so, Dream asked Sapnap to take over so he could talk to George in the privacy of the garden.

"Look, I'm not going to force you, but I would like it if you and Beck could move in with me once he's out." The blonde stated.

The brunette looked at him with wide eyes, and Dream quickly rambled out an explanation.

"You won't need to sleep in the same bed as me. You guys can sleep in a separate room. I just need to know that you guys are safe, and in a healthy environment." he stated.

George thought for a moment, "Sorry Dream but no. The apartment is big enough for Beck and me to live comfortably. You can come over for visits though..."

Dream was a bit disappointed but chose not to show it. He knew this wasn't going to be easy, and he wasn't about to let this put him down.

"Then, can we go out as a family every once in and while?" The blonde asked.

George gave him a small smile then nodded his reply.

Though the omega's smile didn't reach his eyes, Dream still felt his heart flutter, before it clenched with a need for the brunette.

Command him to stay with you. Just use your alpha voice and he will obey... A voice, which Dream decided to call his alpha instincts said.

No, I will not force George to do something that he doesn't want to do, he responded.

Can you really allow your mate and pup to live in a tiny apartment, while you live your life out in luxury...and what of your needs, don't you want to wake up every morning with George sleeping beside you. Don't you want to shower your mate with hugs and kisses, and play with Beck every day?

Control Dream, you got can't afford to mess up now... he reminded himself, pushing his alpha instincts aside.

"Dream... are you okay?" George asked as he stepped towards the Alpha cautiously, wondering why the man had tensed up.

Dream's green eyes met with George's brown ones, and the blonde had to take in a deep breath so he wouldn't get lost in them.

He's right there Dream, within your reach. It would be so easy to drag him home, and mate with him once again... The voice continued.

"Dream?" George called again.

He's right there Dream...

Dream shut his eyes tight and took in a deep breath.

"George... hit me if you don't like what I am about to do..." the blonde stated. The Omega didn't have time to react before Dream wrapped him in a hug.

At first, George was tense and awkward, but as Dream's scent invaded his nose, his body went limp and he returned the hug. The blonde sighed when he felt George's hands lightly run down his back.

The blonde has been trying so hard to rein in his instincts, but with each passing day, it was getting harder and harder to be apart from his mate. To make matters worse, this little voice kept bugging him to force George to accept him. He needed some intimacy with his mate, for now, he would have to settle with this hug.

George knew that this situation was hard for the alpha, so he decided to allow the man to hold him again. It scared him though, how much he didn't want to leave the blonde's arms. He had to constantly remind himself that it was because of their mate bond, and nothing more.

"Better?" George asked after a while. The blonde nodded and inhaled the omega's scent one last time before pulling away.

"Thanks for letting me do that, I needed it..." the blonde said.

"No problem, and thanks for not forcing me to do something that I don't want to do." the omega replied.

The Alpha smiled, "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"

A glimmer of mischief flashed through George's eyes, and he smirked at the blonde. "Is this you asking me out, Mr. Killian? Because if you are, then I must say that it is highly unprofessional for bosses to chase after their employees."

Dream groaned, "Never call me that outside of work, it sounds so weird."

"Yes Sir," George teased but gulped when he saw Dream's eyes narrow.

The blonde confidently walked over and placed their foreheads together, making George blush despite his better judgment.

"Careful George, if you keep addressing me as someone with authority over you, I just might lose my grip on my Alpha side, and do something that we will both regret. So last and final warning, unless we are at work, address me casually," he warned.

George lowered his blushing face in submission then nodded. This pleased Dream's Alpha side, and he ruffled the shorter man's hair.

"Good Omega..." he teased making George scoff, and gently slap his hand away. "Back to the topic, so plans?" The blonde asked.

"I was planning on getting the apartment ready for Beck. Clean up a bit, and list down things that I need to buy," came the answer.

"Okay then, do you mind if I come over to help?"

"Don't you want to spend time with Beck?"

"Well yes, but I want to spend time with you too..." Dream said, giving the brunette his best puppy dog eyes.

George rolled his eyes but agreed.

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