Chapter 17

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About an hour later, Dream stood outside the store and watched as several men loaded the massage chair onto the back of a moving truck, along with the other furniture that they got.

Yes, he eventually caved in when he noticed how George kept looking at it longingly while they were paying.

They also stopped at a grocery store to buy a few more things, before heading back to the apartment.

When they arrived at the apartment, Dream had his men bring all the furniture in, while George arranged them. Once his workers left, he immediately rushed to help George with making the apartment a bit more presentable. The blonde also volunteered to stock up the fridge with the groceries that they bought.

Once this was done, he headed towards the living room to check on George. There he found the omega kneeling on all fours, and the blonde's mind just flew somewhere else.

"George...what are you doing?" he asked nervously, trying not to stare at the omega's cute ass.

The brunette glanced back at him, "I'm placing some foam jigsaw mats. I want to make a small play area for Beck here."

"Oh I see," the blonde said as he let out a deep breath. Control Dream, Control... he reminded himself and headed over to help the omega.

George set down a little chest near the play area and started putting Beck's toys in. He didn't have much, so it didn't take that long.

"Where's the rest?" Dream asked, peeking into the chest.

"This is it..." the brunette responded with a shrug.

The blonde sighed, "Okay we're going to grab lunch first, then we'll head to a toy store. How are you guys on clothes?"

"I'm good, but Beck could use a few..." the brunette answered.

Dream glanced down at George's faded jeans which had several signs of being overworn. The omega noticed this and started to feel self-conscious.

"They're comfortable..." George pointed out in a small voice.

"Sure they are," Dream responded sarcastically, and started walking towards the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" The omega asked.

"To your closet. We'll toss out your old clothes and I'll buy you both a new wardrobe."

George immediately rushed to block the alpha at the bedroom doorway.

"Can't we just donate them instead?" the omega stuttered out nervously, determined to keep the blonde out of his closet.

"Well okay then, can you step aside though... It would be quicker if I help you pack them up." Dream pointed out.

"No! I promise that I'll be fast, so please just wait in the living room." George pleaded.

The alpha quirked a brow in confusion but agreed. Once he was out of sight, George rushed to his little closet. Dream had bought them a bigger one but it was still sitting outside the room since George wanted to focus on improving the living room and kitchen first.

He quickly tossed all his clothes, except his underwear, onto the floor. Then reached to the very back of one of the drawers to grab a small bundle.

Inside the bundle were all the stripper clothes that he used during his college years, and the black lingerie that he got from his friends at Zelk's club.

Since he sold the car, it was the only thing that he had left to remind him of his friends at the strip club. He kept the other dresses because he was too embarrassed to find a place to sell them or give them away.

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