Chapter 21

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A few days have passed since then, and Dream was getting more and more restless. He understood of course the reasoning behind George's suggestion, but his alpha side didn't.

The video calls that he had with Beck and George weren't enough. I need to see them...

"Dream?" George's voice crackled over the phone.

The blonde's attention snapped back to the video call, where he saw George and Beck's faces laced with concern.

"You okay?" the brunette asked and the alpha nodded.

"Yup, did you guys have dinner yet?" he asked forcing on a smile.

"Papa's still cooking," Beckerson chirped in his high-pitched voice.

"It should be done by now... I'll go take it off the stove. Beck stay on call and keep your father company," George said, and his son nodded.

Once George left, Beckerson proceeded to show Dream all the drawings that he recently made. The drawings were actually quite good for a five-year-old, and the blonde was genuinely impressed.

"They're really good Beck. When you're old enough, would you like me to enroll you in some art classes?" the alpha suggested.

"Really?" the boy asked with eye sparkling.

"Well if your Papa agrees to it, then why not," the blonde said with a smile.

The boy then went quiet and seemed to be in deep thought, this worried the alpha.

"Beck? Honey, are you okay?" he asked.

The boy gave him a small nod, his eyebrows furrowed and cheeks getting red.

"Beck, don't lie to me. What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"Um... Dream? Is it alright if I call you dad?" he whispered out sheepishly.

At that moment the Alpha's heart exploded with happiness, as he internally gushed at the boy's cuteness.

"Of course, you can sweetheart," the blonde quickly responded, and the boy looked relieved.

Just then George popped back into the room, "Dinner's ready," he stated with a smile.

"You go on and eat now Beck. I'll call you guys again tomorrow."

The boy nodded, "Bye dad!" he yelled before ending the call.

Dream turned his head up to look at the ceiling, as he breathed out a sigh.

Aargh... this is too hard. I need to see them... he groaned internally.

Suddenly the lights of his house flickered out, only to come back a few seconds later.

"You alright Dream?" Sapnap asked as he entered the study.

"Yeah...what was that though?" he asked.

"The city's power is out, looks like a storm's incoming." the raven-haired man explained, "it's a good thing that we got generators."

Power outage? I should check in on George and Beck to see if they're okay.

Dream quickly reached for his phone, only to be told that his call couldn't go through.

"Storm's probably messing with the phone service," Sapnap stated, as he walked over to pull back the curtain.

The pair glanced outside to see only angry dark clouds and a strong wind blowing through the area. They could see trees bending to the wind's will, and hear the howls and claps of thunder.

"Well, this looks dangerous..." Sapnap stated with worry.

Dream wrung his hands as he took in deep breaths to soothe himself.

They're probably fine. George is a smart guy he'll figure something out. He reasoned to himself but still couldn't push down this feeling of worry.

Please stay safe you two...


George brought the tiny match to the wick of the candle, setting it aflame to lighten up the darkened room.

"When will the light come back papa?" Beck asked, his voice a bit shaky.

The poor boy was frightened by the sudden darkness, but luckily George was a man that believed in preparing for the worst. When he went shopping with Dream a while back, he made sure to get a few emergency supplies, such as candles and a couple of flashlights.

"Not sure honey, but how about we finish our dinner and have an early night, alright?"

The boy nodded and started to dig into his food. George smiled and also took a bite of his meal.

A loud clap of thunder that roared a few seconds later had Beckerson shaking, with his hands pressed up against his ears to block out the sound.

"Papa...I'm scared, I want dad to be here..." the boy mumbled out.

George walked over and brought the boy onto his lap.

"I know sweetie, but calls won't go through without the power, and it's too dangerous for us to go outside right now," George stated, as he rubbed his son's back gently.

The boy sighed but reached over to pull his food closer, and the two continued their meal in silence. After freshening up, the omega carried his son to the bed where he tucked him in for the night.

Despite being pretty scared earlier, the boy fell asleep instantly. George on the other hand was still wide awake, and decided to check on the candles he left out, to make sure that they weren't in any hazardous places.

Yet even after this, he still didn't feel tired enough to sleep. So with the help of a small gas stove, he decided to boil some water to make a cup of tea. He reached into his cabinet to choose among the different packets, hoping to find something that would help him relax.

Just then he heard a soft knock at the door. Thinking that it was probably Red coming to check on them, the omega immediately rushed to greet his friend.

Once he saw who it was his jaw dropped open...


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