Chapter 23

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"Can I wake him up now papa?" Beckerson whispered in his tiny voice.

George looked up from the pancakes in his frying pan, to see his son's pleading face.

"Well alright, but do it gently okay..." George replied with a sigh.

The boy excitedly ran over to the couch, where Dream still lay fast asleep.

"Dad..." the boy called softly, as he gently shook the alpha's shoulders.

"Dad," Beck called a little louder when the blonde didn't respond.

"Papa! Dad won't wake up! Is he okay?" the boy cried out in panic.

Dream suddenly scooped up the boy in his arms and tickled him. Beckerson squealed and squirmed, trying to escape from his father. When they finally calmed down, Dream carried the boy to the table.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't scare my pup like that," George scolded the blonde, but his face betrayed his stern tone since an amused smile was plastered onto his face.

"Our pup," Dream corrected as he set the boy on a chair and planted a kiss on his forehead. He then walked over to George to wrap his mate in a tight hug.

The omega was a bit surprised by the sudden show of affection and stayed still for a few seconds before finally moving to return the hug.

Dream greedily inhaled George's sweet scent, "Good morning..." he breathed out.

"Morning Dream," the brunette replied shyly, secretly loving the alpha's warmth and voice.

When George saw his son's smug face, he cleared his throat and pulled away from the alpha.

"The pancakes will be done soon, there's some juice in the fridge," he informed the blonde, who sighed and went over to pour himself a glass.

After a cheerful breakfast, with Beckerson carrying most of the conversation, it was time for Dream to head back home.

The power had returned sometime during the night, and George was able to wash and dry the Alpha's clothes earlier. After dressing up in his clothes, he returned the now scented hoodie to George.

"All scented up for you baby," Dream stated in a teasing tone, earning him a playful punch to his upper arm.

"Dad? When can we see you again?" Beck asked in a sad tone.

"Well..." Dream trailed off as he looked at George for an answer.

George sighed, "the media seems to have given up on finding your secret boyfriend, so as long as you wear your mask, then we should be fine."

Dream beamed then turned to ruffle his son's hair. "The city is probably a mess from the storm last night, but how about tomorrow I take you guys to a roller skate park nearby."

"I don't have roller skates..." Beck muttered out in a sad voice.

"We'll get you a pair tomorrow, complete with a set of safety gear," Dream replied, adding the last part when he saw George's worried expression.

"Really? Thank you, Dad!" The boy yelled as he hugged the blonde's leg.

"No problem kiddo, I'll see you guys tomorrow," Dream said, giving them one final wave before heading out the apartment door.


"Don't worry Beck, I won't let go till you're ready..." Dream reassured his son, as he held the boy's hands tightly.

Beckerson gave his father a nervous nod, before standing up from the bench. The boy wobbled a bit as he struggled to find his balance.

"Relax honey, Dream's not going to let you fall," George reassured his son, and Beck slowly straightened up his back.

The boy beamed at his parents, before allowing Dream to drag him onto the track. George watched from the bench as Dream and Beck skated around, and sent the pup a smile whenever the kid would glance back at him.

"Don't you want to join them?" Karl asked from behind him.

The doctor had been invited by Sapnap, and since it was his day off, he happily accepted the invitation.

"I would fall on my face in two seconds flat," George responded with a smile.

"I'm sure that Dream wouldn't let that happen, and even if it did happen, you've got a doctor right here," Sapnap stated, as he approached the brunettes and handed them both a drink from a vending machine nearby.

The omegas thanked him, and after finishing the cold beverage, Karl and Sapnap suited up and joined in on the fun.

Karl seemed to be quite good at roller skating, but he still took the beta's hand and allowed the raven head to drag him around.

Well, they're getting along quite nicely, George thought with a smirk on his face.

The brunette then turned his attention back to his pup, where Dream was on his knees and telling Beckerson something. The boy gave the alpha a determined nod, and the pair glanced towards Sapnap and Karl, who stopped in their tracks and held their arms wide open.

Much to George's distress, Dream released his hold on Beckerson. The boy wobbled around before managing to straighten up. The brunette held his breath as he watched Beck slowly skate towards Sapnap and Karl, with Dream watching over him protectively. When the boy finally made it into Karl's outstretched arms safely, George let out a sigh of relief.

He then noticed Karl and Sapnap whisper something into the boy's ear, whose face lit up before quickly turning to tell Dream something.

George noticed the blonde look a bit hesitant for a minute, but after some encouragement from Sapnap and Karl, the blonde straightened up and shot George a look.

Oh no...what are they planning now? George wondered as the alpha skated over to him.

He saw Beckerson grab Karl and Sapnap's hands, and skate off with them. The trio shot him a mischievous smile just before Dream reached him.

"Wanna give it a try George?" The alpha asked nervously.

"I've never done it before Dream, and I would rather not fall on my ass today." the brunette answered.

"I won't let that happen," the alpha reassured.

"I don't have skates," the omega argued. The blonde reached into Sapnap's bag, which was beside the brunette, and pulled out a pair of skates.

"Sapnap told me that he and Karl bought it for you while we were choosing Beck's skates."

With a sigh, the omega conceded and put on the skates. He then tried to get up, only to stumble into the blonde's arms.

Ugh...this is so cliche, George groaned internally.

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