Chapter 31

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This chapter will have some sexual conversation

No smut or spice though...not in this chapter I mean (¬‿¬)

Please proceed with caution


Dream made sure to take two pills before exiting the car that afternoon. He needed to do his best to remain in control, especially now that George's instincts would be dead set on mating.

"You can head on home, I'll call you when I need you. Make sure that Beck eats something, okay?" Dream told Sapnap, who gave him a nod.

The blonde then took in a deep breath, before leaving the car with a bag of food and some bottles of water. He then asked Ant and Red for a copy of the keys to George's apartment, so he could check up on him.

Once he stepped in, George's scent immediately attacked his nostrils. Luckily, thanks to the pills and his self-control, he managed to clear his head out of the daze that the omega's scent was putting him in.

He walked over to the bedroom door that had been shut, and could hear ragged panting and muffled moans coming from inside.

He took in a deep breath before knocking lightly on the door.

George uttered a surprised squeak before saying, "Who is it?"

"It's Dream, I have some food and water for you."

"I can't stomach anything right now..." George panted out from behind the door, making Dream's heart pound loudly with lust.

"You still need to eat George, if not for your own sake, then please do it for Beck and me." The blonde said, trying his best to stay in control.

The sound of movement and footsteps approaching the door made the alpha step back, and the omega slowly opened it.

George's cheeks were flushed, and he was breathing hard. His eyes were glazed over with lust, and Dream gulped at the sight. It certainly didn't help that all the omega was wearing was the jacket that Dream lent him and boxers.

"Here..." the blonde said, handing the bag to the omega.

George looked at the bag for a second, before looking back at Dream. The minute that their eyes met, something in the omega snapped.

George lunged at the alpha, who dropped the supplies and wrapped the brunette in a tight embrace. Both of them released their scents as a sign of desire for each other.

George's body heated with need for his mate, and he made sure to communicate this need by tugging on the man's shirt. Dream's hands reached up and firmly, but gently, gripped his wrist.

"No George...the heat is affecting your judgment. You can't give proper consent like this." Dream reminded.

"Dream..." George whined out with a pout, trying his best to reach for the alpha.

"No George," Dream stated with finality, before lifting the omega up in his arms and placing him down on the bed.

George had made a nest prior, and his new heat toy laid out in the open. The toy was what the brunette purchased on the day that he and Dream went shopping for furniture and clothes, he had also gotten a few other things to help him deal with his heat.

The blonde did his best to ignore the tempting sight, despite the strain in his pants. He made sure the omega was comfortable before retrieving the food and water that he brought.

George's mind started getting cloudy. He was already struggling before, but now that Dream was here, surrounding him with his scent, there was only one thing on the brunette's mind, and that was to mate.

"Here, drink some water," Dream said as he sat down on the bed, and lifted the bottle to the omega's lips. The blonde proceeded to help the brunette sit up to drink the cooling liquid, before providing some food for the omega to nibble on.

"Good job George. I'll go now so you can do your business, but I'm leaving the food and water bottles right next to your bed, please try to consume something okay?" the blonde stated before standing up.

"You're leaving already?" The brunette panted out, and the alpha nodded.

Though the medicine was helping, years of being abstinent and actually seeing the omega ready to be devoured was starting to put him in a rut.

"I'll check on you tomorrow..." Dream informed with a tiny smile. He then hurriedly tried to leave the room, before he would do something that would ruin all the progress that he has made with George.

He almost made it to the bedroom door, before he was yanked back by the omega and found himself on the bed, with George hovering over him, looking at him lustfully.

"Stay...please..." the brunette begged in a needy voice, before dipping his head down to kiss the alpha's neck.

Dream groaned as he fought for control, only to have the wind knocked out of him when George suddenly collapsed on top of him.

"George...what's wrong..." He said reaching out to touch the brunette's flushed face but drew his hand back when he experienced a slight burn.

He quickly flipped them over to see George's face contorted in pain, and the brunette would interval between moans of torment and gasps for air.

Dream then realized what was happening. Since they were technically mates and were in the same vicinity, George's heat would only intensify till they mated, or if one should leave. Dream decided to go with the second option, as much as it hurt him to do so with his mate writhing in pain.

"George I need to go...your heat is only getting worse with me here and not mating with you," the blonde explained as he tried to get up, but George tightly held onto his arms, his nails digging into the alpha's skin.

"Please Dream...It hurts so much, I can't bear it anymore..." he sobbed out, and the alpha whimpered at his mate's pained state.

"I'm sorry darling..." Dream said with a sad tone as he pecked the brunette's forehead. "I'm so sorry," he repeated, this time kissing George's cheek.

The omega whimpered, and reached out to wrap his arms around the alpha's neck, so their bodies were pressed against each other.

Dream gently untangled himself from the omegas grip, "I don't have your proper consent, George."

"I already mentioned the idea of mating back in your office..." the omega reminded.

"Yes, and you promised to think about it," Dream responded.

"Yes, I've thought about it, and I want to do it now!" The brunette cried in frustration.

Dream couldn't help the amused smirk that crawled its way across his face, "Are you sure that it's not the heat talking?" he teased.

"Oh for goodness sake Dream, please just fuck me!" George demanded, taking the alpha by surprise at his aggressive tone.

Dream was about to say another witty comment when George suddenly drew his knees up and screamed in pain. The omega felt like he was being burned alive.

"Please..." the brunette pleaded with teary eyes, "Please help me Dream."

Dream couldn't see his mate suffer anymore, so after making sure that there wasn't a hint of hesitation in the brunette's face, he leaned down and connected their lips.

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