Chapter 30

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Dream was itching to get to the apartment, but he did remind Sapnap to stop at a pharmacy so he could grab some anti-rut medicine. If George was in heat, the delicious scent that he would be producing would be too much for Dream, and he would most likely jump the poor omega.

He quickly popped a pill into his mouth before entering the building, and left Sapnap by the entrance, where the beta could still see him, but far enough so the raven head would not be affected by George's heat.

Dream knocked gently on the door, and could hear the sound of shuffling coming from behind it. The door creaked open to reveal a very upset Beckerson, who threw himself at the alpha's leg.

"Dad? Papa's gonna be okay, right?" the boy sobbed.

It was then that the blonde realized that this was probably the first time that Beck has seen George go into heat. With the boy confined to the hospital, George would most likely spend his heat in his apartment alone.

"He'll be alright. Let's grab some of your things, and you can stay at my place till your Pa gets better."

To this the pup frantically shook his head, "No! I'm not leaving Papa all alone. He can't even stand up properly, how will he eat?" he stated with tears.

"Your pa will be just fine, now I'm gonna go in and help you pack, alright?" Dream stated in a comforting voice.

The boy hesitantly nodded, and the pair entered the apartment. The minute that Dream stepped through the door, he was hit with George's intoxicating scent.

Despite the pill that he took, he could feel his body heat up with the need for his mate. Dream slapped a hand over his nose, hoping to block out the scent.

"Beck?" George's shaky voice called out, and Dream's head instantly turned to look at his mate.

"Papa! You shouldn't be standing!" Beck scolded while trying to push the omega back to bed.

"I'm fine honey. Here, I packed a bag of clothes for you. You will have to stay with your dad for a few days, alright?" The brunette informed, handing his son a small bag.

"But who's gonna take care of you papa?" the boy asked, not used to seeing his usually strong father in such a vulnerable state.

"I'll be fine. Now go, quickly!" George reassured his son, while gently pushing him towards the alpha.

George made sure to meet the alpha's eyes, with a look of determination on his face. "I'll be alright, please take care of him," he said.

Knowing that he couldn't help his mate, hurt Dream. With each step that he took away from George, he felt a stabbing pain in his heart.

The alpha inside him begged Dream to return to the omega and mate with him, but the blonde forced the urge down and carried his frightened pup out of the building and into the car.

Sapnap offered to take care of Dream's engagements for the day, which the blonde was very grateful for since he wanted to stay home and comfort Beck.

At dinner, Beckerson kept poking his food and had hardly eaten any of it.

Dream sighed, "Beck you have to eat something honey, or you'll get sick."

Beck gave him a nod and took another small bite of his food, before returning to his frozen state.

Dream decided that it was best to not push the boy anymore, so he carried the boy to the guest bedroom that was right next to his room, and tucked the pup in.

He then asked one of the workers to bring a closed container of cookies for Beck, just in case the boy's appetite would reappear during the night.

Meanwhile, the alpha lay on his bed, eyes staring straight at the ceiling of his bedroom, as worry consumed him. Omegas tend to become so weak when in heat. He doubted that George would be able to cook for himself during this time period. He tossed and turned around his bed, trying to find a position that would make him comfortable enough to fall asleep.

After some time his eyes started to get heavy, but he was instantly awake again when he heard his door creak open. He sat up and discovered Beckerson at the foot of his bed.

"Hey pup, what's wrong?" Dream asked.

"I can't sleep," the boy replied sadly.

Dream gave him a gentle smile, and made his way over to the boy. He then helped the boy up on his bed and held him close. Soon Beckerson's breaths even out, and Dream found himself also drifting off to sleep as well.


"Can we call papa?" Beckerson asked during breakfast the next morning.

"Sorry Dear, but we can't. I don't think your papa will be able to answer the phone..." Dream replied in a gentle tone.

It was partly true since George would have to satisfy himself during his heat, and Dream was pretty sure that the brunette would rather not be disturbed, nor have his son see him in such a state.

George's eyes would most likely be glazed over, and his cheeks were probably tainted red...

Dream felt his pants suddenly grow tight, and mentally cursed himself for having such lustful thoughts when his mate was suffering, and his pup was upset.

"How about you draw something that will help him feel better, and I will give it to him when I visit this afternoon..." Dream suggested, and for the first time since he arrived, Beck wore a genuine smile.

Dream had to go to work that day, but luckily Karl was free and offered to keep an eye on the pup.

Before leaving, Beck handed the alpha a simple drawing of a red heart with the words 'I love you papa, get well soon' scribbled on it. The Alpha smiled and gave him several pecks on the cheek, which made the child giggle.

"I left a phone with Karl, it's yours and already has my number on it. Call me if you need me," he told the pup, who nodded.

He waved goodbye to his son as the car drove away from the house. Dream then closed his eyes to focus. He had important meetings to attend today, so he needed to act the part of a serious CEO.

Dream's hand instinctively reached into his pocket to touch George's faded handkerchief and found his heart calming down.

Hang in there George...I'll see you soon.

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