Chapter 16

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George dragged out the black trash bag from his apartment and flung it into a dumpster located outside of the building. For someone who didn't have much, he sure had collected a lot of junk.

As he was heading back in, he heard someone call his name. Turning on his heels, his lips tugged up in a smile when he saw Dream.

The Alpha was dressed casually, in jeans and a green hoodie. He also wore a white face mask, that had a smiley design on it.

"It's about time Dream. I genuinely thought that you weren't gonna make it." the brunette teased.

"Sorry about that," the Alpha apologized sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well I just finished cleaning, and was going to make a list of things to buy. You've helped the company double its profits in such a short period of time so our salaries have been raised, and I can finally afford to get a few things for Beck." George said as they walked back to his apartment.

Dream stepped into the tiny room that George, and soon Beck, would call home.

Dream felt a bit unsettled by the fact that his own bedroom was nearly as big as the apartment itself. He was seriously considering bringing up his offer for George and Beckerson to stay with him again, but he let it go. The omega returned from his bedroom with a notebook and pen and started to list down different items that he needed to buy.

"Well besides groceries, I think Beck would appreciate a T.V. Maybe I can buy a cheap second hand one..." the blonde heard the brunette mutter out in hush tones.

Something in him snapped, and he walked over to gently grab George by his shoulders so that they faced each other.

"George, I am one of the richest men in the country. There is no way that I am going to let my mate and son settle with second-hand stuff," he stated before taking the omega's hand to lead him out of the building and into his car.


George closed his eyes and let out a satisfied sigh as he laid down on the soft mattress. He felt a presence hover above him and had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling.

"Comfortable are we babe?" Dream asked with a smirk.

"Don't call me that, and yes I am," the brunette answered as he slowly opened his eyes, to see the Alpha stare down at him in amusement.

"Come on George, we still have a lot of things to buy..." the blonde said, as he tried to get the man to sit up.

"No..." the omega whined out childishly and flipped over to lay on his stomach.

Dream let out an annoyed huff, then an evil idea popped into his head.

He leaned down to whisper in the brunette's ear with a husky voice. "You are in a very compromising position George. Now I have very good self-control, but I suggest that you do not test me, or I will do something that will get us kicked out of this store."

"I'm up, I'm up," The brunette quickly stated as he shot out of the bed, making the blonde wheezed.

They were currently at a nearby furniture store. Dream had told George to pick whatever he wanted, and not worry about the price tag. The first thing that the brunette decided to get was a new mattress since his current one was thin and lumpy. He decided to only buy what was needed, but the blonde had other plans in mind.

"Oh by the way, I sent some of my men over to your apartment to toss out your old furniture, so pick out some replacements." The Alpha stated nonchalantly, as they continued to scan through the isles.

"You what?" the brunette cried before his phone started ringing. He reached into his pocket to answer it.

"Hey Ant, what's up?"

"George, Sapnap is here with some men. They are asking for permission to enter your apartment and carry your stuff away. Did Mr. Killian inform you about this?" his omega friend said.

"Yes he did, just a few seconds ago..." George said as he scowled at the blonde, who gave him an impish smile.

The Omega sighed, "it's okay Ant, you can let them in... but don't let them touch my closet or bedside drawer."

With that, the two omegas ended the call.

"Why didn't you warn me ahead of time?" George asked in a rather bitter tone.

"You would have said no. George, I've seen your stuff, and most of them are partly damaged." Dream reasoned out.

"Well I did get them from a second hand store."

The alpha sighed, "Then I will say it again. I will not allow my mate, nor my pup, to settle with second-hand stuff." He stated with finality, and George decided not to push the matter any further.

Besides, Beckerson would be more comfortable with the new furniture that they were getting.

"So where are you bringing my stuff too?" the brunette asked.

"A dump..." Dream answered with a shrug.

"Could you drop them off at a shelter? There is one that I stayed in when I first came to this city with Beck. The people were nice, but they lack the equipment..." George requested.

"You stayed at a shelter?" the blonde asked with a frown, and George nodded.

"It was just for a month while waiting for my first paycheck. When I got my salary I immediate looked for a cheap place. Karl introduced me to Ant and Red, and they offered me my current place for a good deal."

"Why didn't you stay with Karl instead?" The alpha asked.

"His parents didn't like the fact that I had a pup and no mate... Karl did offer to pay for my rent, but I was stubborn about being independent."

Dream felt frustration build in him, not because of George, but because he was angry at himself.

I knew that he's been through a lot these past 6 years, but I didn't think that it was that bad. It's my fault. If I wasn't such an ass, then he wouldn't have run away. He wouldn't have to suffer alone... Dream thought.

"Dream stop blaming yourself, it won't change a thing," George said, breaking the Alpha away from his thoughts.

"How did you know what I was thinking about?" the blonde asked in surprise.

George pointed to his faded mark that was hidden behind his omega collar, "Our bond makes me feel your pain and guilt, so I can guess what you were just thinking about."

"Sorry, but it is an Alpha's job to insure that their mate is happy and safe. hearing about your hardships reminded me of how much I failed to be a good mate to you," he said, with his head hung in shame.

"Stop, you can't change what happened...but you promised to try your best to make me and Beck happy now, right?"

Dream lifted his head and nodded, "Yes..."

"Good," George stated, before a mischievous expression formed on his face. "You can start by paying for that massage chair," he added as he pointed to a particular model, making the blonde wheeze again.

"Your apartment is too small for such luxuries."

"I'm sure that I can squeeze it in somewhere, come on Dream, please...It will help me unwind after a long day."

The blonde refused, then clenched his jaw to stop a smirk from forming on his face.

"Please Alpha..." George said giving the blonde his best puppy dog expression, and calling him by his title, which he knew would please the man.

Dream felt a familiar heat grow in his stomach when he heard George say that phrase, and he had to take a minute to calm himself down before giving the man another firm no.

"Aw come on Dream, didn't you say that I could pick whatever I wanted?"

Dream huffed and leaned in to place their foreheads together. A sly smile formed on his face when he saw the brunette's cheeks turn pink.

"Don't push it Omega..."

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