Chapter 14

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George felt the pain in his heart slowly subside with every breath that he took of Dream's scent. He had wanted to distance himself from the alpha and appear strong, but the thought of losing Beck proved to be too much for him. He needed his mate to comfort him.

It was only when Karl reemerged from the room did the pair separated.

"How is he?" George immediately asked.

Karl sighed, "Well we got him stable, but he needs the treatment, George."

The brunette bit his lip, and Karl placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me pay for it George," his friend suggested.

"No, let me," Dream spoke with finality, before turning to Sapnap who was standing by the corner, looking equally worried for the pup.

"Sapnap, see to it please," he said, and beta gave him a nod before he and Karl walked away to finalize things.

The doors then opened again, revealing a group of medical staff pushing a hospital bed that carried an unconscious Beckerson. George and Dream quickly followed behind them. The workers placed the boy back in his private room and laid him on his bed. They then nodded toward the pair and left.

George quickly sat on a chair beside his son, and gently took Beck's hand. The boy was once again hooked up to his drip and had an oxygen mask on. He looked a bit pale but seemed to be in a peaceful slumber.

The omega kissed the boy's knuckles as he struggled to keep himself together.

Don't worry Sweetheart, Papa's right here...


"I'm starting to worry about George, he hasn't moved in a while," Karl whispered to Dream and Sapnap.

"Aren't omegas supposed to act like this when it concerns their pups?" Sapnap asked in hush tones.

"Well yes, but just because it's how we're supposed to react, doesn't mean that it's a good thing. If he stays like this, it could take a toll on his health." Karl reasoned.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Dream asked, sneaking a glance at George who sat as still as a statue, the omega's gaze never leaving Beck.

"We?...oh no mister you mean you!" Karl whisper yelled, there was a hint of venom in his voice. "I may not like you but right now, with the state that George is in, only his mate can bring him out of it. Your mating may not have been completed, but you still possess a bond. Even though it has weakened, it is still there."

"But what exactly do I do?" Dream asked nervously.

"Just take him somewhere to relax and get his mind off things," Karl stated.

Dream sighed and walked over to George. He placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder and felt the man tense at his touch.

"Come George, let's get some fresh air," he said, his voice gentle but firm.

"But Beck..." George breathed out.

"Sapnap and Karl will stay here with him. They will call us if anything happens," Dream assured.

After a few seconds of silence, George gave a small nod and slowly stood up. The two other men had small smiles on their faces, as Dream led the brunette out of the hospital and into his car.

The blonde drove them towards a nearby beach, then got out of the car first to open the door for George. The brunette got out quietly and started walking across the sand as if in a daze.

Dream walked beside him in silence, not knowing what to do or say. But there was one thing that he knew, he hated seeing George like this. He wanted to see his strong mate, the omega that would bravely defy an alpha no matter what the consequences.

I did this to him, Dream thought and that just broke him. He felt the tears starting to gather in his eyes and stopped in his tracks to fight them away.

When George realized that the blonde was no longer walking beside him, he stopped and turned around. The brunette was taken aback when he saw a few stray tears leave the alpha's green eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Dream breathed out, "I'm sorry," he repeated, before reaching up to cover his tear-stained face.

"I'm sorry George, I've done things that are unforgivable and I understand if you'll never forgive me. All I have done so far is cause you pain, and yet... I'm too selfish to let you go. I'm a horrible mate, and a terrible person... you deserve someone better, but... I would rather die than see you with someone else. I can't live the rest of my life without you and Beck in it. " he sobbed.

There was the sound of a sigh, followed by footsteps, and for a moment Dream thought that George had walked away from him. I wouldn't blame him though, the blonde thought sadly.

Just then he felt two hands cover his own. The blonde slowly removed his hands from his face to see George's unreadable expression. The brunette cupped the Alpha's cheeks and gently wiped away his tears.

Why was he doing this? Even George couldn't answer that. Honestly, his body was moving on its own.

"Look Dream, our relationship has been messed up from the start. I don't fully trust you nor do I believe that you can make me happy. Beck is the sole reason why I am tolerating you right now, and for him, I will do anything. So be careful Dream, because if you hurt my son, I will never forgive you. Even if you threaten me or come to me begging on your knees." George stated.

Dream nodded, "I would never intentionally hurt our son or you. Please George... let me love you and our pup."

George released his hold on the blonde's face but kept eye contact, "You can try and win it, but I am warning you now that it won't be easy. I am not going to give in to our mating bond unless you prove to me that you have changed. Even if my instincts are currently telling me to instantly forgive you."

"I understand George, and I fully intend to win you over properly." Dream said with determination.

"Very well then Dream. I will give you a chance to win, not only my son's affection but mine as well. Do not make me regret this decision." George stated, and Dream's face broke into a bright smile.

"I won't."

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