Chapter 36

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"When you come back, we'll be a family right?" Beck asked, his eyes twinkling with hope.

It felt so awkward having to tell their son about their decision to become mates. Of course, they left the details out, but they had to make sure that the pup was up for the change.

"Yup," George replied, and smiled when he felt Dream give his hand a comforting squeeze.

"Then we'll live with dad right?"

"That's right, pup," Dream answered.

The boy threw himself at his parents, and they shared a family hug. But when they heard the boy sniffle a bit, they quickly pulled away in concern.

"What's wrong sweetie?" George asked.

Beck sniffled again, his cheeks flushed and his eyes watery, but he had a smile on his face, "Papa?"

"Yes?" George said with a hint of panic.

"What's happening to me? I'm so happy, but why am I crying?" the boy sobbed.

George and Dream's hearts exploded at that moment. The poor child was much too precious for this world.

"Those are tears of joy Beck," George told his son before hugging him tightly.

The three of them stayed wrapped in each other's arms, as they planned for what was about to come. There were a few things that George wanted to bring over to Dream's house, and the alpha preferred that they return to his house after their mating.

So George suggested that they would spend the following days at the blonde's place, so the movers could move freely, and so they could adjust to their new environment.

When the weekend finally rolled in, Dream and George hugged Beck goodbye. The boy however showed no sign of sadness, and practically shoved his parents into the car in his excitement.

George continued to wave at the pup, as Dream started the car and drove away.

"We'll be back before you can miss him..." Dream reassured.

"Well I already miss him, but I can't exactly have him tagging along," George stated with a smirk, making Dream wheeze.

"Get some rest Love, you're going to need your energy..." Dream said, wiggling his eyebrows with a smug expression.

George scoffed and turned over in his seat so that he was facing away from the alpha. Eventually, George found himself drifting off, just as Dream started humming a familiar tune.


"George...George, we're here," Dream spoke softly as he gently shook the sleeping brunette.

The omega slowly opened his eyes and stared at the wooden cabin in front of them. As he peered around the area he saw nothing but nature. Near the cabin was a pond with crystal clear waters, that sparkled in the afternoon sun.

George quickly got out of the car and rushed towards the pond, before breathing in the fresh air.

"Do you like it?" Dream asked from behind him.

"I love it, it's so peaceful out here..."

"I'm glad you like it, it is one of my little business projects you see..."

"Wait you own this area?"

"Yup, it used to be a struggling campsite. So I decided to buy it, fix it up, and turn it into a resort. This cabin here is my personal one, so this area is completely private. There is a large lake on the property that keeps the public entertained."

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