Chapter 32

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Sexual content up ahead
And it might get a little kinky

Dream tried his best guys, but horny George is just too much for him


George moaned into the kiss, and his fingers instantly gripped the alpha's hair. They paused for a moment so Dream could take off his coat, tie, and dress shirt, which he discarded on the floor. The alpha did the same to the hoodie that George was wearing, along with the omega's boxers.

Both released their scents as they reconnected their lips, with Dream's scent helping to calm down George's heat, while the omega's sweet scent made the alpha growl with possessiveness, and caused his member to swell.

George's hand slipped down to feel his mate's strong arms, as their kiss grew increasingly more passionate. But when he tried to undo Dream's pants, the alpha stopped him by grabbing the brunette's wrist again.

The pair broke their kiss, and George looked at the alpha in confusion. The blonde simply smirked.

"Sorry baby, but junior's not gonna join us just yet," Dream stated teasingly, trying to stifle a laugh from calling his cock, junior.

George groaned in frustration, "Dream please...I'm dying over here."

"I know baby and I will help you, don't worry..." Dream said, kissing down the omega's neck to his chest.

"Dream, I need you in me..." George begged.

"Maybe some other time, when your mind isn't horny from your heat," Dream responded before taking one of George's erect buds into his mouth while teasing the other with his fingers.

"As good as your mouth feels babe, it won't be enough to satisfy me..." George said in a smug tone between moans.

Dream lifted his head to look at his mate. The blonde's narrowed eyes were filled with lust, and a smirk was on his lips. "Don't worry love, your toy should be able to help out..." he stated, before reaching down to stroke the omega. George threw his head back and let out a throaty moan.

Dream reached out to grab George's toy, a decent-sized dildo while continuing to stroke the brunette's length with his other hand.

He placed the toy beside him, then used his fingers to trace the omega's entrance, growling in approval when he found it dripping wet with slick.

"Dream, just put it in, please..." The omega begged, getting impatient.

"I need to make sure that you're stretched enough for your toy..."

"I was using it before you came in idiot, so just put it in," the brunette snapped.

Dream had an amused look on his face, damn, I kind of like him like this, the blonde thought, and decided to tease the omega just a bit more.

He bent down and licked around George's entrance, making the omega squirm and whine. Dream continued to do this, lapping up the slick that George was producing.

"Dream...please..." the omega breathed out.

The blonde lifted his head, "In a minute baby, I want to enjoy this moment for a bit longer." he said, before continuing to rim the omega.

George had enough of the blonde's teasing. He immediately sat up, grabbed Dream by the hair, and smashed their lips together. He pushed his tongue into the blonde's mouth and dominated the kiss. Dream groaned in response and immediately reached out to run his fingers through the brunette's hair.

George moved quickly to straddle the blonde's lap and started to undo the alpha's pants. That is until Dream grabbed his hands, pushed the omega to lay back on the bed, and pinned George's arms above his head.

"Naughty omega..." Dream scolded playfully.

The blonde then reached down to grab his necktie from the floor and tied it around the brunette's wrists, before tying the other end of it to the headboard.

"Is this the only toy that you have George?" Dream asked as he lifted the dildo.

The omega shook his head and used his eyes to point to his bedside drawer. Dream scooted over to pull out the drawer, and his eyes widen when he saw its contents.

"Damn, looks like someone decided to treat himself..." Dream stated smugly. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs and looked at George for an explanation.

The omega smirked, "What? I tried it with a client before and actually liked it, so I bought it."

Anger crossed the alpha's face, making the brunette smile inwardly. The omega continued to remain calm, even when the alpha suddenly hovered over him, with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow. George knew that he shouldn't have said that, with alphas being so possessive of their mates, but it was his own little way of getting back at the blonde for tying him up and refusing to satisfy him already.

"When did this happen?" Dream asked in a menacing tone.

"Before we mated, Love. It shouldn't surprise you that I slept with a few other clients before you..." the brunette pointed out.

"I still don't like it...did you after we mated though?" he asked, and George shook his head.

Dream sighed with relief, and got off the omega. "I'm gonna make sure to treat you better than any of those other men," he promised.

"Sounds wonderful Darling, if you could do so today, that would be amazing," George stated with a thick accent, making Dream wheeze.

"Of course Love, but I still want to have some fun first..." Dream responded as he removed the necktie that bound George's wrist, and replaced it with the handcuffs. He then reached into the drawer and pulled out a vibrator.

George bit his lip as the alpha used his slick to lube the toy up. The omega then gasped and arched his back, when he felt the toy slip into him, and let out a series of moans when Dream turned it on with the remote that he had in his hand.

"Dream..." George whimpered when he felt a familiar pool of heat in his stomach.

George grunted in frustration when the blonde turned the device off with a smirk. Dream then took out a cock ring from the drawer, and tied it around the base of George's erection.

"Why did I even buy that thing!" George cried out with regret before Dream turned the vibrator on again.

The brunette bucked and squirmed against his restraints, begging the blonde to grant him release.

"Now George, that is still the lowest setting, and the ring will help you enjoy this toy to its fullest potential." the blonde stated, before standing up and turning the vibrations up a notch.

"Wh...Where...are you...going?" George breathed out.

"I'm just gonna put the food that I bought in the kitchen. Don't worry, I won't leave till your heat is over. Now behave, or you'll wait even longer for your orgasm." the blonde stated before heading out of the room.

The omega huffed in frustration, but behaved as the blonde requested. When the alpha returned he had an evil smile on his face and his phone to his ear. George could hear the dial tone, as Dream came closer and sat on the bed.

Dream motioned for the brunette to stay quiet, just before the call was picked up. George's eyes flew open when he heard the voice on the other end of the line.


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