Chapter 10

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Sapnap couldn't stop staring at the boy, who was squeezing George in a tight hug.

It wasn't the boy's state that shocked the beta. It was the fact that, except for the boy's brown hair, the child looked exactly like Dream did when they were young.

"I missed you!" the boy semi yelled.

George smiled and kissed the top of the boy's head.

"I missed you too Beck."

"I thought you weren't gonna come today," the boy said.

"And miss your 5th birthday, not a chance!" George said as the pair continued to embrace.

"Can I help you?" a voice spoke up from behind Sapnap.

The Beta turned around in fright, only for his jaw to drop open at the sight of a handsome brunette doctor.

"Umm... are you okay sir?" the doctor asked.

Sapnap's eyes flitted to the doctor's name tag, which read K. Jacobs.

"Uh yeah I'm okay," the beta muttered out.

"May I ask why you were peeking into my patient's room?" the doctor continued.

Sapnap fumbled for his wallet and pulled out one of Dream's business cards.

"I work for the Killian cooperation. My boss asked me to check in on one of his employees since he has been acting a bit strange. We just wanted to make sure that he was alright..." Sapnap trailed off.

"Killian..." the doctor repeated, till a flash of recognition showed in his eyes. Instead of getting scared or becoming extremely helpful, like what most people did when they found out who he worked for, the doctor gave Sapnap a cold glare.

"Please leave Sir or I shall call for security, and do not return," the doctor commanded.

Sapnap jaw dropped in surprise at the sudden aggressive reaction, but he still slowly head for the exit. "Wait!" he called after the doctor, who was just about to go into the room. "Can you tell me what's wrong with the boy?"

The doctor kept up his cold expression, "I am not in liberty to discuss my patient's information with you. Tell that to your boss as well."

After Sapnap left, the doctor let out a sigh and plastered a smile on his face before entering the room.

"Dr. Karl!" the boy yelled.

"Hello Beckerson, you're looking really happy today." Karl greeted the boy.

"Yup, papa was able to visit me on my birthday this year."

A look of guilt settled on George's face, "I'm sorry that I missed last year Beck." he said.

"It's okay Papa, I know that you are working hard so I can get better faster." the boy cheerfully stated.

Karl smiled at the boy, he and George were roommates in college, and that was where they became friends. His family owned a chain of hospitals, but since he was an Omega, the hospitals would be handed down to his Alpha cousin.

He didn't mind though. He studied hard to become a doctor and was now head of the pediatrics ward. He took it upon himself to be Beckerson's personal doctor since he did take care of the boy during their college years.

It was him, who helped George move to this city and get a job, despite not knowing much about the brunette's past.

He was just as shocked as Bad, Skeppy, Antfrost, and Red was when George, who was drunk at that time, broke down and told them everything. Knowing that Dream put him in such a state made his blood boil, which was also why he was very cold to Sapnap earlier.

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