Chapter 29

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George shuffled nervously in front of Dream's office door. I can do this! He said in his head, before knocking on the door.

"Come in!"

George pushed the door open slowly and walked in. The alpha's serious face broke into a smile the minute that he saw the brunette, and he signaled for George to come closer.

"Hey Dream...I want to talk to you about something."

The blonde hummed as he walked over to the omega. "No greeting kiss for your mate?" he asked with a smug expression.

George let out a huff but still lifted himself so that their lips met in a quick kiss.

"What do you want to talk about?" the blonde asked, before dipping his head to breathe in George's intoxicating scent as he wrapped his arms around the brunette's waist.

The alpha smiled when he felt George breathe in his own scent as well before speaking. "I was thinking about going public with our relationship."

To this, the blonde lifted his head and looked at George seriously. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Well, we can't hide it forever," George reasoned.

"George you know the minute that we do this, both yours and Beck's life will be open to the public, right?"

The brunette nodded, "It's kind of scary, and I would rather have Beck's life stay private, but I know that he wants his dad," George then locked his eyes with the blonde's emerald ones before continuing, "And I want you too."

Dream's heart burst with joy, and he couldn't help but lean down to give his mate several kisses.

"You have no idea how happy those words make me feel George, but it's best to plan this correctly. I think you would prefer for your days as a stripper to remain a secret, right?"

To this the omega agreed, "though the world will definitely be shocked when they find out that one of the hottest bachelors in the country has a son," George said, borrowing some words from the magazine article a while back.

"I don't care what they think about me, but they will question your faded mark and my unmarked neck... how do you want to proceed with that?"

"That can be easily fixed, we could just mate right?" George stated bluntly, while Dream's face turned red.

"Not interested?" The brunette asked.

"What? Of course I'm interested! I've been waiting for so long to hold you, but are you sure? Maybe you ought to give it some more thought, I don't want us to mate because we have to, but because we want to..."

George remained silent before nodding in agreement. "Okay, I'll think it over for a bit more, and tell you my answer soon."

"No rush love," Dream replied, before pecking the brunette's lips.

"I best get back to my cubicle, or Skeppy and Bad may start to worry," George said.

"Of course, can I drive you home this afternoon? Sapnap is taking care of a business transaction, and I want to spend some time with you and Beck."

George smiled and nodded, before pressing a quick kiss to the blonde's cheek and heading out the door.


Beckerson's eyes sparkled with wonder, as he stared at the cooing pup in Ant's arms.

"She's so tiny..." he whispered, making both Ant and Red laugh.

"You were once this small as well Beck, but one day she will grow up to be a fine lady, just like you will grow up to be a handsome man," Red told the boy, who beamed at the compliment.

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