Chapter 8

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Dream peeked over his menu to look at George. The brunette seemed to have calmed down significantly, and now carried an air of civility.

"You can order as much as you want," Dream pointed out, hoping to impress the omega.

George hummed, "I think I'll just have a simple meal, but I would like to order an extra meal that I can warm up for breakfast tomorrow."

"Of course, just get whatever catches your eye and I'll pay for it."

"Stop being a simp," George stated calmly as he put down his menu and flashed Dream a fake smile, yet it still made the Alpha's heart flutter.

Dream continued to try and engage the brunette in conversation, but the omega would merely hum or give short answers.

This continued till their food arrived, and Dream couldn't help but notice how George merely took a few bites before saying that he was full.

He then asked the waiter to pack up the rest of the meal as a takeaway.

"Are you sure that you're full?" Dream asked concerned.

"I have gotten used to having small meals. Relax, I don't have an eating problem if that's what you're trying to imply." Came the response.

"But why? Don't you get paid enough?" the blonde asked.

"I have other things to spend my money on."

"Like what?"

"It's none of your business Dream, and I believe that you promised to not pry into my life if I joined you for dinner." The brunette answered coldly.

"I just want to make sure that you aren't in any trouble, that's all." Dream said with a concerned voice.

"Well, I'm not, so drop it."

And Dream complied, not wanting to anger the omega even more.

George's takeaway soon came, along with the extra meal, and a couple of deserts that the brunette also ordered. The Alpha paid, then the pair left the restaurant.

Dream and Sapnap dropped George off at his apartment, where he politely thanked them before heading inside the building.

George waited a few minutes after the car left before exiting the building again.

The omega checked around the block to make sure that he wasn't being watched, then turned down the street and disappeared into the night.


The next morning, George arrived back at work to find a bouquet in his cubicle. Skeppy and Bad, who had arrived ahead of him this time, were reading the card that came with it.

With a heavy sigh, the beta pair handed George the card.

Can we go for dinner again sometime?

I want to get to know you better

- Dream :)

George groaned in annoyance. He should have known that Dream wasn't about to just give up on him. Skeppy went over to grab the trash can nearby, which he held up for George and Bad so they could chuck the flowers and card in, before putting it back in its place.

The betas then gave George a look of sympathy, and comforting shoulder squeezes before getting started on their work.

Meanwhile, in Dream's office, he and Sapnap were going through some of the past reports of the company.

"Something is wrong with George," Dream pointed out, making Sapnap look at him with confusion. "The apartment that we dropped him off at isn't expensive. He isn't the type to just waste his paycheck by going on a shopping spree. Yet he looks like he hasn't eaten or slept well in years."

"Dream, you promised to let him be," Sapnap pointed out.

"But he could be in big trouble Sapnap," the blonde reasoned.

Sapnap sighed and turned back to the paperwork in front of him, but then he felt Dream's presence beside him.

He glanced over to see Dream, bending his knees so that he was below the beta's eye level, and looking at him with a pleading face.

"Sappy nappy... please..." the Alpha begged.

"Dream, are you really an Alpha? Because this is the first time I've seen an Alpha beg to a Beta before," Sapnap pointed out.

"I wouldn't be begging if it wasn't you... or George. Please... I just need to know that he's okay," Dream said straightening up again.

"Okay fine, and stop worrying so much. He might just be saving up to buy something okay," the raven head stated.

Dream nodded enthusiastically, "Thanks Sapnap, I owe you big time."


A few days have passed since then. George spent his free time working with Bad and Skeppy to find him a new job, but he kept on getting rejected the minute that they saw his name.

It was currently past work hours, and the rest of the workers had already gone home, leaving him and his beta friends alone.

That asshole. I bet he called every business in the city, George thought, as he once again tried searching for somewhere to work.

"That Alpha has got every workplace covered. The only jobs available now are those in the next city." Skeppy said in an exhausted voice.

"I can probably work something out, any of them with decent pay?" George asked, starting to feel desperate.

Bad noticed this and gave him a quick hug, releasing some of his calming pheromones in the process. "Calm down George, now you know that you can't do that. Commute will be expensive, and you know that you can't just move to another city."

George sighed, "I guess I'm stuck here." he said defeated.

The betas felt so useless, all they could do was wrap their friend in a tight hug. This situation was complicated, and George didn't deserve to deal with this right now. He already had a lot on his plate.

"Thanks, guys... really," George said returning the hug and giving them a small smile, "If it wasn't for you guys I would never be able to handle all of this."

"Remember muffin, we are willing to help you, you don't have to go through this alone," Bad said gently.

"Thanks, Bad, you too Skeppy."

The two betas smiled and continued to hug George, till they heard an angry growl coming from behind them.

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