Chapter 37

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The kiss became heated in a matter of seconds, all their pent-up frustrations leaking out as their scents filled the air. With a low growl, Dream picked George up in his arms and laid him down on the bed.

"Ready?" The blonde asked

"Yup..." George breathed out.

They slowly began to undress each other, stealing kisses as they went along. Dream sucked on George's neck, trailing his tongue around the omega's faded mark, and the brunette let out a whimper.

Dream kissed his way down the omega's body, making sure to take advantage of each sensitive spot that the brunette had, which had George bucking and moaning.

When the blonde reached his mate's inner thighs he made sure to nip and lick around the scent glands, loving every sound that his partner made, which only caused his own cock to swell. He then fully took in George's length and bobbed his head up and down at different paces.

George relished in the pleasure but tensed up a bit when he felt a finger probe at his hole and played with the slick that was starting to come out from it. Dream removed his mouth with a pop, "You okay Darling? Do you want me to stop?"

"No...please continue..."

Dream leaned over to connect their lips for a brief moment, before inserting two fingers in and stretching George out. He then returned his mouth to the brunette's weeping erection, making sure to take in his full length and using his tongue to send the omega close to the edge.


George whined in frustration when the alpha removed his mouth and straightened up.

"Dream please..."

"No George, I want you to cum while I'm inside you..."

"Then get inside me already!"

Dream clicked his tongue, "So impatient...but as you wish Darling."

The alpha removed his fingers and reached down to align himself. He gently pushed himself into the omega, who moaned out with pleasure. The alpha rested on his forearms so he wouldn't crush George, then he linked their fingers together as he slowly started to thrust into the brunette.

George screamed and threw his head back when the alpha grazed over his sweet spot, and the alpha quickly adjusted his thrust so that he would hit the omega's prostate every time.

"Dream, I can't..." George moaned out.

The blonde growled a bit but quickly stopped, making the brunette whine again. Dream then pulled them up so he sat upright with George straddling his lap.

This new position only drove the alpha even deeper into the brunette, and when he resumed his movement the brunette would moan out with each thrust.

"Wait for me Love, I'm close..." Dream whispered when he felt a heated build in his stomach.

"Dream..." George moaned. He wouldn't be able to hold it much longer with the alpha hitting his sweet spot constantly.

"Cum with me George!" Dream commanded, and instantly the omega released onto their stomachs while Dream shot his seed into George. The alpha's knot inflated, keeping them linked and his cum in.

They angled their necks to the side and allowed their canines to grow before biting into each other's necks. After licking the mark clean, they both let out a sigh and laid down, with George on the bed and Dream laying on top of him.

George ran his fingers through his mate's hair, relishing in the comfort and warmth of their bond reforging.

"You okay Darling?" George asked Dream.

"Yeah, I just love the feeling of being inside you..."

George chuckled, and placed a kiss on the top of Dream's head.

"We didn't use protection you know..." Dream pointed out.

"I know..."

"You could get pregnant again..."

"Most likely I will, but Beck has been asking for siblings..."

Dream lifted his head up to smile at his mate and gently traced a finger across George's mark. "Then I hope you do get pregnant. This time I will actually be around to watch our pup grow..."

"You want another boy?" George asked curiously.

"I couldn't care less what their sex or gender will be, as long as they're happy and healthy." Dream answered.

George smiled and lifted his head to kiss his mate.

"I love you Dream..." George whispered out, with blush coloring his cheeks.

Little tears formed around the alpha's eyes at those words, and George was quick to wipe them away.

The blonde's face broke into a silly grin, "I love you too George... Always have and always will."

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