
2.4K 69 27

I know I said I would not update until March 1st. But I am missing all the love from u all. At first I thought to write the oneshots but I don't why but any of my other book isn't that close to me as this one. Partly because I have been writing brothers from a month so obviously I am more attached to this than any other.

Another reason is, though I haven't contacted with most of u, there are names that have become familiar here. I can say 'Ok now these set of PPL are gonna vote , thes are gonna comment. ' I expect that to happen and it happens. 90% of votes and comments are from those who do it frequently. There will be one or two new PPL who does it. So I know who's gonna do it.

I should love all my books equally but I got attached to this book and those who are voting and commenting here. And I am unable to give something else more priority than this. So I have decided to continue this.

I am thinking of updating 2 chapters of Inside ICT, 2 instagram chapters (with context from this book) per week. 

I am sorry for not being as regular as before but the thing is my classes have started on Jan 17th the same day I started brothers and from then onwards I neither wrote any clg related work nor studied a bit.

There are total 958 pages to write ( all records, observations, assignments) and I have completed only 134.

And my first sessional exams are from Feb 28. So I must complete writing 824 pages and start studying for six subjects ( with two tracks in each , so 12) by the end of this month, that is in 13 days.

So please bear with my irregularity.

Also this is gonna be the last A/N. Next time you get notified from this book, I promise it's a story update. And I will update tomorrow (80%) or day after tomorrow (20%).

Stay safe and happy.

And complete your work on time and don't pile them up and then freak out at the end like me. (Though I know for a fact that most of you are doing the same).

Love you all ❤️

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