15. What's happening?

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India completed the match in just three days. They won the match by an innings and 48 runs.

Krithi's POV:

'Krithi. Krithi. Open the door' someone banged my door when I was fast asleep.

Rubbing my eyes and cursing the person at my door, I opened the door and saw Ro there.

'Are you asleep?' he asked.

'What else would any human be doing at night?' I asked.

'The light was on so I assumed that you are awake.' he said.

'I am scared to sleep alone in the dark that's why ' I explained.

'Then you can go and sleep with Shrey right. He's in the next room itself. '

'Is this why you woke me up?' I was annoyed.

'Shit no. Sorry I forgot. Vi is having immense pain in his ribs. I don't understand what to do.' he panicked.

'What? Come let's see him. Where is he?' I asked.

'Here.' he pointed at Vi's room which is opposite to mine. I rushed to him room along with Ro and saw Vi wincing with pain with his hands on his ribs.

'Vi what happened?' I asked rushing to him. He tried explaining but nothing left his mouth.

'I told you right. He's having terrible pain in his ribs. Do something.' Ro said.

'Vi lay down first. Ro help him to sleep on the bed.' I said. Vi was sitting on the ground then.

'Yes I'll help.' Ro said and helped Vi lay on the bed.

'Did the pain decrease even a bit?' I asked him.

'Are you mad? How will it decrease only by sleeping on the bed? Do something.' Ro yelled in my ears.

'I am trying something Ro. Don't shout. Also call a doctor. How am I supposed to cure him?' I asked.

'You said you are some pharma- pharmace- something. Don't you know what to do?' he asked.

'Do you know how to bowl a perfect Yorker? No right. Just call the doctor.'

'Vi I am gonna lift your shirt a bit and see if there is any bruising. Is that ok?' I asked.

'It is ok. Just do it.' Ro said lifting Vi's shirt.

'There's no bruising also. Ro by any chance did you hit him?' I asked.

'Why will I do that? No, I didn't.' he said.

'Ro please call the doctor. I am unable to understand what's happening.' I said.

'Yes I will.' he said and took out his phone.

'Doctor, Vi is having terrible pain in his ribs. Please come fast.

What you can't be until two hours? ' he spoke on the phone.

' Rits- sorry krithi, he can't be here until two hours. You have to do something.' Ro said.

'I don't understand what to do. I can't see him in pain like this but I don't know what to do.' I was panicking.

'Ouch.' Vi  grunted in pain.

'Do something Krithi. I can't see him in pain.' Ro said.

'Neither can I. But I am not a doctor to know what his problem is.' I said.

'It's hurting.' Vi mumbled and seeing his state and my helplessness, tears pricked my eyes. As I was trying to wipe them, hoping it to go unnoticed by them, I heard them laugh.

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