11. By your side

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Ro's POV:

As soon as Vi and Mahi bhai left the room I quickly went to Vi's room.

'Not now Ro. I'll talk to you later.' He tried to shoo me away even before I entered the room properly.

'And what makes you think that I'll pay heed to you?'

'I know why you are here. And I don't want to talk about it.' he said burying his face in the pillow.

'Fine let's not talk. Move aside. I'll sleep next to you.' I said and tried to push him to the other side of the bed.

'I serious am ok Ro. You don't have to be here. Go watch the auction with the others.'

'It's not what we do that matters it's the person who gives us the company that matters.'

'Who are you? You are definitely not my Ro.' he asked looking at me the first time since I entered the room.

'So now you don't even remember me? I forgot, you found your new best friend. What's his name? Faf. Tell me something why do all your best friends have such weird names? One is abcd and now he's faf.'

'Not you being jealous of my friends. But honestly I have no one.' his face showed how much he regretted letting it out.

'Then what am I ? A buffalo?' I was annoyed with his statement.

'Hey, when did you realise that?' he asked piching my nose.

'Shut your mouth. I am so angry at you that I feel like hitting your  head to the wall. But then you'll again sit crying. That's why I am stopping. ' I said.

'Oh, I am gonna sit crying? Isn't it something you do after every injury?' he asked.

  'Now don't go there. I'll kill yOu.' I warned him.

'You have started it what did I even do?' he asked.

Just then the door has wide open.

'Sorry sorry' Krithi said and closed the door. After a few seconds she has opened it again and peeped in.

'What are you doing?' I asked.

'You two are sleeping so romantically that I mistook you two as a couple. But then I again realised that I saw two men. That's why I opened the door again' she explained.

'I want to see too.' Shrey was heard saying as he pushed her aside and peeped in.

'What the fuck are you two doing? We are just sleeping normally and know that I am a committed man and I'll only have that kind of sleep with Anushka.'

'Did I say that you two are doing something? I just said that I mistook it. Also you don't have to indulge deep into the  details. We get you.' she said.

'And don't tell me that you two wanted a room and have come here' I said dryly.

'We came here searching for you two. Yuzi and padikkal have been sold to RR.' she said and Vi's face has become devoid of any expression.

'We'll come later. You guys go.' I told them.

'I know you are on the verge of crying.' I said looking at his face as krithi and shrey left.

'No. I am not.' he tried his best to hide his tears but they managed to flow out of his eyes down towards his cheeks.

'Vi you can act however you want to, to the outside world. But you can be vulnerable with me. The reason you try to hide your feelings in front of me is that you think I'll judge you. But how do I explain that words really aren't needed for me to understand you.

                  And did you forget who you would cry for silly things earlier. Why are you not opening up now?' I asked him.

'I am sorry Ro for what all I have done to you. I don't think I deserve this second chance.' he sobbed.

'Forget Everything that has happened between us in this three years. I erased them from my mind and you do the same. Don't think anything about it and firstly don't see it as some favour I did to you. '

'I only hurt people always. I don't even have to try to do that. I keep hurting people all the time.' he said.

'Firstly about what ever has happened between you and Mahi bhai, it's not your mistake at all. I don't know what has happened to him suddenly but it wasn't your fault. Also what can you possibly do when Yuzi and Dev are not brought back by RCB.'

'Dev had so much hopes of being back at RCB. I promised him we'll play together for a very long time. How am I going to face him now?' he asked.

'We all hope for things but the reality won't be in our hands and I am sure Dev is gonna understand that and he seems to be matured enough to understand that.'

'What about Mahi bhai? He called me Virat. Does he hate me now? Will he also go away leaving me?'

'No he can't live without you. Maybe he was sad and hurt too, seeing Sonu getting unsold. He showed that sadness as anger on you.' I explained.

'See I was not mature enough to understand this. I always hurt people more.'

'I'll kill you if you repeat that dialogue again. YOU DON'T HURT PEOPLE, YOU LOVE THEM AND CARE FOR THEM.'

'Do you think that I should go and talk to Mahi bhai?' he asked.

'No Vi. Ofcourse not. He made the mistake and he's gonna apologize.' I said.

'What if he never does that? Should we permanently stay not talking to each other?' he asked.

'He can't stay for much longer. Cheeku cheeku cheeku is what he keeps chanting all the time. He'll run to you and apologize. Just see.' I comforted him.

'And do you get jealous seeing him always chanting my name?' he asked.

'It's natural for me to feel that no one should love you as much as I do. But I also feel happy for you  thinking about how much people around you love you. ' I said ruffling his hair.

'Do you think I made no mistake?' he asked hinting to the Mahi bhai incident.

'Not at all. It was only his mistake and not yours. And trust me he knows that too. He'll come and apologize to you soon .' I said and a yawn escaped my mouth.

'Why are you always sleepy Ro?' he asked and he yawned too.

'Look who's talking.'

'Vamu is giving us sleepless nights. We are barely sleeping.' he said.

'Then let her sleep with Rishu, Ishu, Shrey, Shardul and now kriti has come too. They love playing with our babies. So let them take care of Vamu at night while you can sleep peacefully ' I suggested.

'Yeah. We should do something.' he said yawning.

'You are only making me more sleepy.'I said and another yawn escaped my mouth. It seemed as if two of us were having a yawning competition.

'Let's sleep then.' he said pulling up the blanket to our shoulder level.

'Yeah. Good night'

' or day. '



That's it for today and hope you liked this update. If you did, please vote and comment ❤️

Of B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S

13. Selections and rejections-37
16. Bitter memory- 39

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Until We meet again, stay safe and happy ❤️


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