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Krithi's POV:

'Mahi bhai' I, shrey and Ishu said in unison.

'But he's sleeping in his room. He has headache.' Rishu still didn't understand what was going on.

'Let's go to his room.' Vi said and we all went to his room. We were about to knock the door but saw that the door was open.

'He's talking something. Let's listen.' Ro whispered.

'It's not right to eavesdrop.' I told him.

'That's not gonna stop me.' Ro said and somehow everyone seemed to be ok with it. Now that everyone were doing it, even I brought my ear closer to the door and tried listening to what he was talking.

'I can't wait for you to grow up. I'm gonna keep you with me only. Nush will be busy shooting and cheeku has matches to play. So I'll take care of you. I'll feed you daily, I'll take you to the park. We'll play together. We'll sleep together. Just become two years old now. You'll be big enough to stay without your parents and then I'll kidnap you.

         How are you so adorable my little princess? Shall I tell you something, I love you more than Cheeku and Nush also.'

'Not fair bhai.' Vi said barging into the room. He must of gotten jealous of his Mahi bhai loving someone else more.

Mahi bhai got startled looking at all of us entering his room suddenly.

'What's happening here?' he was confused.

'You have kidnapped my daughter and we were searching for her.' Vi said.

'When did I kidnap her? I told you guys I'm taking her' Mahi bhai defended himself.

'When?' Ro asked.

'You and Vi were sleeping in his room cuddling as some couple and then I told you that I'm taking Vamu and you guys mumbled ok and that's when I took her.' Mahi bhai stated.

'When did all this happen?' Vi asked.

'That's great. There's a toddler in the room while you guys don't even have consiousness of your surroundings. It's better for Vamika to stay with me.' Mahi bhai said.

'When you two come together, you forget that you've grown up and have another little human being to take care of.' Rits scolded them.

'I am really scared to leave her with you two now.' Nush said.

'I'm her father.' Vi said.

'Me too. I mean no, but I'm no less.' Ro said.

'It's not only about playing with her. You should take care of her too.' Nush said.

'You know what happened last night? Ro came to my room and said that Vi is having immense pain in his ribs. I was so scared but it turned out to be a prank.' I complained.

'Why do you have to bring that now?' Ro asked.

'Did they really do that?' Mahi bhai asked.

'They might have. We know what kind of monkeys they become when they are together.' Rits said.

'True. But playing practical jokes is so wrong. How could you two even do that?' Nush asked.

'Are you happy, making our wives scold us?' Vi asked.

'You both deserve it. You've disturbed our sleep as well, last night.' Shrey said.

'Cheeku.' Ziva came running into the room while Sakshi walked in behind her with Sammy.

'Dada.' she rushed to Ro as soon as she saw him.

'Thank god they've saved us from more scoldings.' Vi whispered to Ro.

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