8. Bracing up!

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Krithi's POV:

I haven't been on a date for so long. Neither did I bring any clothes suitable for date with me to South Africa. Not my mistake though. Who thought that I will be going on a date with one of the cricketers. Working with them itself still feels like a dream. Going on a date with one of them is something I think wouldn't soak in any time soon.

I called my sister, Ishika to get some advice. But she wasn't lifting it.


I hate you Ishu. What the fuck are you doing while your sister needs you. I am gonna find a sister who's actually gonna be there for me.😒


I decided to go to sleep. I was too tired to think of the outfit by myself.

Next morning:

I have showered and walked out of my room to have breakfast.

'I have heard that someone is going on a date, Mahi.' Rahul Bhai said to Mahi bhai as I walked into the dining hall.

'How would I know? That person totally forgot me. She's not even looking at me these days. She has become so busy.'Mahi bhai teased.

'Well she is unable to find you. You are so busy with your cheeku. What can she do?' I asked sitting next to them.

'And you are busy with Shrey.' Mahi bhai teased.

'Bhai, even you have started now?' I asked amusingly.

'Why? Can't we tease?' Rahul Bhai asked.

'And remember, what ever they do is what they have learnt seeing us.' Mahi bhai said.

'So now I know whom to blame.' I said.

'Why blame?' Rahul Bhai asked.

'Ro and Vi are irritating me non stop. And guess what, they have been having the same discussion with Shrey too. I am so embarassed. Don't know what all they have told him.' I said.

'Don't worry about all of that. You are just overthinking.' Rahul Bhai said.

'I mean ofcourse this is not so serious. So, yeah maybe I am overthinking. I don't even think he's serious about all this.' I said.

'If he isn't serious, he wouldn't get ready to go out of the bio bubble and spend three days in quarantine after that.' Mahi bhai said.

'I seriously forgot about all this covid situation.' I said.

'Will I be quarantined too?' I asked.

'Of course you'll be. But I am sorry, you two will be in different rooms.' Rahul bhai said.

'When is the match dated?' I asked them.

'In five days.' Mahi bhai said.

'That means Shrey might miss the first test right?' I asked them.

'He might. But he's prepared for that. And also he wasn't selected for it when the selections were done the before time right.' Rahul Bhai said.

'And he's going through a low phase. And now not even allowing him to go on a date is only gonna upset him more. We could do nothing about him not being included in playing eleven. But this is in our hands right.' Mahi bhai said.

'But I don't want him to go through it for me. I am gonna go talk to him.' I said.

'That's your wish. But listen, he's not going to be in the playing eleven anyways. He'll be warming the bench for all those days. And being in quarantine after doing something he truly wanted is better than sitting on the bench with a dejected heart.' Rahul Bhai said.

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