13) Please me

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Mahi's POV:

'That will be the briefing boys. Stay hydrated and that'll be.' I prepped the guys and left the huddle. The first test match was about to begin and Ro was made the captain for that match.

I was filling my water bottle and that's when I came across cheeku.

'Cheeku, wait' I called him as he began leaving, the second he saw me.

He looked at me briefly as I called him and turned his head away and began walking in the opposite direction.

'I know that you aren't angry on me cheeku. You are only make me please you' I told him.

'Yes. Please me then.'

'Arey cheeku.'

'Virat. That's what you called me right.'

'I am sorry cheeku.' I apologized.

'I am not gonna make it that easy for you. Please me.' he said

'Listen cheeku.' I called him again but he paid no heed to me and just left.

'Bhai, are you coming with us?' Krithi asked coming to me.


'To watch the match ofcourse.'

'Yes krithi. I am coming.' I said and went with her.

'Did you apologize?' she whispered.

'I did. But he didn't forgive me.'

'Then what's the use. He should talk to you normally. Only then your job is done.' she stated.

'What should I do if he decided to not talk to me?' I asked her.

'You should have thought of all this because shouting on him.' she said.

'Krithi are you coming?' Cheeku asked her.

'Yes I am. Mahi bhai come let's go.' she called me and three of us walked and sat on the bench.

'It is really necessary for me to sit here? I'll sit with the others in the stands.' she said.

'You are here as a manager right. So no problem. Don't overthink and enjoy watching your brothers and your boy- boy- friend, only friend Shrey bat.' I winked.

'Are we supposed to laugh now? Cuz it's not funny.' Cheeku said dryly.

'Don't talk like that Vi.' Krithi whispered to him but audible enough for me to understand.

'Krithi,sit here.' Cheeku told her to sit in between us two.

'No, people are gonna hate me for ruining a MahiRat picture. I won't sit in between you two.' she said and sat to a side.

'I am not gonna talk to you if you don't sit here. I don't want to sit with him. So sit next to him and I'll sit next to you.' he Black mailed her and she had no other option but to agree.

The match has began and India was fielding first. Ro has come to the boundary to field.

'Go my boy Ro.' cheeku shouted.

'Ro, Ro ,Ro, Ro.' he kept on screaming.

'This is why we should not keep him off the field. He can't hide his excitement. Ask him to not disturb Ro and let him play properly.' I told her.

'Tell him to not bother so much about me or my Ro. My Ro is talented enough to focus on the match without getting distracted by any sort of background noise.' cheeku said.

'If he is your Ro, what am I then?' I asked.

'Mahendra Singh dhoni.' he said.

'This is too much now. I apologized right. Why are you dragging this unnecessarily?' I asked.

'Are you getting angry again. Don't talk, that's simple.' cheeku said calmly.

'Did I say that? Also why did you cry that I shouted at you?' I asked him.

'That's because you've hurt him. Isn't that obvious?' Krithi asked.

'Krithi, tell me something, if you and your sister had a fight and she shouts at you, will you cry?' I asked her.

'Definately not.' she said.

'Why won't you?' I asked.

'Because I know that she doesn't mean it and eventually we are gonna be together and any fight between us isn't serious. That's why.' she stated.

'Exactly. If he really considered me his brother, he wouldn't cry because I shouted at him. He'd know that no matter what happens, We'll be together. But he, he doubts that we might talk forever just because I shouted at him. Krithi, you tell me is it fair on his part?' I asked her.

'Wait, are you blaming me for crying because you shouted at me? Great Bhai. Just great.' cheeku said clapping with his  hands.

'Vi, sit down. You don't have to let the entire world know that there's something going on here.' Krithi told him.

'Ok. I won't talk anything anymore. I'll sit calm.' Cheeku said.

'Stop overreacting Vi.' Krithi told him.

'Exactly. He always overreacts for small stuff.' I told.

'Bhai please don't talk in between and add fuel to your fight. Think of the ways to please him instead of finding ways to blame him.' She told me.

'Let's watch the match for some time.' she said and we sat mum and watched the match.

South Africa were three down already.

'You know Ab would come to bat in this position. But he's not playing now. Should I go and check in their camp if AB  is there?' he asked her.

'Did he say that he'll be here?' she asked.

'No. He's with his family in Pretoria. But maybe I should check right. What if he is here?' Cheeku asked.

'He's not gonna be here for sure. Why will he be here?' she was visibly irritated by then.

Just then shrey has also been placed near the  boundary.

'10 rupay Pepsi Iyer boy sexy.' Cheeku kept screaming until Shrey had to turn to him and said, ' Bhai you have just undergone a surgery. Don't exert too much pressure on it. Don't scream.'

'He has a point.' Krithi stated.

'What am I supposed to do? I can't speak, I can't go anywhere, I can't play. What do you guys expect me to do?' Cheeku said dramatically.

'Sometimes you irritate people more than harry does. Do you know that?' she asked.

'I am done. I can't sit here anymore. I'll become mad. I'll go to the SA camp. Talk to them and then go up to the stands and play with Sammy and Agu for some time and then I'll come back.' Cheeku stated a long list of things he wanted to do.

'You won't stop anyways. Go. ' Krithi said.

'Oh, so now I need your permission to do things?' he asked her sarcastically.

'She's the manager. So yes. Or you can ask me, the mentor.' I said.

'Then I can ask Rahul Bhai also. He's the coach. Superior than both of you.' he stated and sprinted away.

'You guys are all just sources of headache.' Krithi sighed.

'They all are' I corrected her as she included even me in the list.

'You proved that you are no less. But please I am in no mood to argue. Please let me watch the match now' she said and kept her eyes fixed to the field.

I did the same too from then on and finally it was time for the lunch break.


Hope u guys liked the update. If u did pls vote and comment ❤️

Meet u all on day after tomorrow ( Saturday)

Stay safe and happy ❤️

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