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'Vamu' Sammy screamed with joy seeing the Kohli's and shrey at her door.

'No, first give me a kiss and then she's yours' Vi refused to handover Vamu to Sammy.

'Ok, bend down' Sammy said and kissed Vi's right cheek.

'On this cheek too' Vi showed her his other cheek and Sammy planted a kiss there too.

'Shrey chachu, you also come with me' Sammy tried dragging him but her palm could only hold his two fingers, which unfortunately wasn't enough to drag him.

'He has some work baba, nush is here, mumma is here and your current favourite Vamu is also here. Go play with them baba.' Ro told her.

'Ok. Bye dada, bye Vi chachu, bye shrey Chachu.' she gave them all flying kisses before shifting all her attention and love to the tiny munchkin.

'Let's call her.' Ro told the boys once they were alone in his room.

'No, don't tell her. I want to tell her by myself.' Shrey pleaded.

'Shhh, You don't have to worry about that. I know how special it is to confess your love. We'll talk to her normally.' Ro said.

'Yes, we'll call her.' Vi said and took out his phone.

'Hello Vi' Shrey's heart skipped a few beats listening to her voice after half a day, which for him felt like an eternity.

'Where are you?' Vi asked casually.

'I've come home a while ago. And am unpacking my stuff now.' she replied.

'How are you?' Vi asked and looked at Ro to see him mouth, 'Don't ask foolish questions'

'Huh? What do you mean by that? I'm fine obviously.' she replied chuckling.

'No, I mean are you not missing us?' Vi asked.

'Of course I am. But also I'm happy to be back home to my family. I missed them terribly.'

'And I think someone is terribly missing you now.' Vi teased and Shrey held his breath in anxiety about what her answer would be.

'If only that idiot realises it. I want him to miss me terribly, atleast then he'll realise his feelings for me.' she sighed.

'Oh he did already.' Ro whispered to shrey, playing nudging his shoulder.

'Acha, when are you coming to Mumbai? You'll be here in ten days right?' Vi asked.

'Let's not talk about it already. Let me be with my people for sometime. But yeah, I'll be there on 19th, so eleven days more.' she said.

'Eleven days more for us to begin a journey' Shrey thought.

'Ok, Nush is calling me, I'll talk to you later.' Vi said and hung the call.

'So boy, see how much she's yearning for you.' Ro said ruffling Shrey's hair.

'Ok, so where are you gonna propose to her?' Vi asked.

'I have thought of it already. But no, she'll be the first one to know that.' Shrey said.

'Ok, won't force you on this one. And now let's get back to them, and tell them what's going on.' Ro said.

'Nush wants them to be together so much, and am sure Rits thinks the same.' Vi said as they walked back to the living room.

They saw Rits and Nush in the kitchen making something while gossiping about something while Sammy and Vamu were in the living room, playing on the floor.

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