12. Realisation

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'You guys have been sleeping for five hours now. Wake up.' Anushka screamed opening the blinds.

'Why are you shouting? Talk slowly.' Ro said covering his ears.

'What time is it?' Vi asked rubbing his eyes.

'Its dinner time. Come let's have dinner.' Anushka said.

'For what reason did you sleep, sorry hibernate, Ro?' Rits asked entering the room.

'So Vi can sleep while I can't?' he asked.

'They have a toddler to take care of at night. What's your excuse? Now don't say that you couldn't sleep well. You had a very good sleep.' Rits said.

'You are all just jealous of my sleep. Come Vi let's have dinner.'

'No. I am not hungry. You go and eat.' Vi said.

'Fine I won't eat too. Let's stay here.' Ro sighed and say beside him.

'Don't be a kid now. Go and eat.' Vi said.

' I am not hungry. That's why I don't want to eat.' Ro said.

'Ok. Fine now. I'll eat. Come let's go.' Vi said getting up.

'Will you two join us?' Ro asked Nush and Rits.

'We had our dinner already. You guys go and have dinner.' Rits said.

'Ok. Where is Vamika?' Vi asked.

'She's with Shrey and Rishu. You guys have dinner first.' Nush informed.

Ro and Vi have gone to the dining hall and saw Mahi bhai lecturing Krithi about something while she was having her dinner.

'What's wrong with  him today. Why is he shouting on everyone. I am not going to talk to him.' Vi said.

'He doesn't seem to be angry, though.' Ro said.

'Oh you guys have come. Please save me. Mahi bhai is torturing me.' Krithi begged.

'What's torture? You aren't eating anything. Do you want energy or not?' Mahi bhai lectured.

'If there's tasty food I'll eat for sure. What is with this bland taste?' she complained.

'This is so tasty. How did you not like this?' Ro asked licking the curry.

'You are Ro. How can you not like food?' Vi joked.

'Both of you don't start now. I am already dying to eat this and am in no state to bear your nuisance.' Krithi commented.

'Rishu, did you have dinner?' Vi asked Rishu who has just entered the dining hall.

'No bhai. I am having it now.' Rishu replied.

'Come let's have together.' Vi said and went to Rishu.

'Why did he leave so suddenly?' krithi asked.

'What else do you expect from him? He sitting here would have made a bigger shock.' Mahi bhai said.

'Are you still angry with him Bhai?' Ro asked him.

'Not anymore. I am not angry with him now.' Mahi bhai said.

'Can I say something?' krithi asked.

'Yes.' Ro said.

'Mahi bhai, you shouldn't get upset with me then.' she said.

'No I won't.'


'Promise. What's the matter?' Mahi bhai chuckled.

'I think it's your mistake and not his. He did no wrong. You are at fault for shouting on him. So technically he should be angry with you and not you.' Krithi said.

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