2. Sulky kid!

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'I don't want the surgery!' calmly declared Virat.

'You don't get to choose that, Mister.' Ro was quick.

'I am not interested in the surgery.'

'Did you say interest? Why am I hearing it as fear?'

'What can I do if you are deaf? That's not my problem Ro.'

'Virat, don't behave like a kid. You know you can't decide about the surgery.' Anushka said.

'They can't perform surgery on me without my consent.' Virat stated.

'Fine. Do what you want.' Ro said.

'What are you talking Ro? You can't support him.' Anushka couldn't believe her ears.

'I love you Ro.' Virat grinned.

Ro signalled a thumbs up and turned around to leave the room.

'Where are you going Ro?' Virat asked.

'Now that you don't want to undergo a surgery, you won't be able to play for atleast another year. So we must think about whom to replace for you right. So I am going back to the hotel to discuss this with Rahul Bhai and Mahi bhai. '

'Ofcourse Ro. I understand. I'll take care here, you leave.' Anushka played along.

'No, you can't do that.' Virat said.

'Look, if you get the surgery done you'll be back on field in three months. If not, you might or might not step onto the field ever again. Choose what you want.' Ro said.

'I don't like you Ro.' Virat scowled.

'It's ok. Now give me an answer. What option do you choose?' Ro asked.

'I am ok with the surgery.' Virat mumbled.

'I can't hear you. Say it louder.' Ro said.

'I will get the surgery done. Now fuck off. I hate you two.'

'Don't sulk now, Virat ' Anushka said.

'Don't talk to me.' Virat said closing his ears.

'This idiot is irritating me. I was so peaceful all these days. This is all because of Krithi. I have to deal with this idiot again.' Ro said.

'What did krithi do?' Virat asked. Ro explained him all that Rithika has told him.

'So you are saying that Krithi got this thought and she with the others worked on it and Rithika helped them too, to unite us?' Virat was shocked hearing it.

'Yes. Rits told me all this. And before you start cribbing, it wasn't any of them due to whom I decided to talk to. It was only me. Though I played with Vamika because of them.'

'You played with Vamika??' Both Virat and Anushka asked at once.

'Yes. She poked me in my eye too, after I asked her if she's a jerk like her father.'

'That's my daughter. She'll support me always.' Virat said.

'Poor choice I must say. She should support Anushka actually.

'Sir, we have to give an injection.' the nurse said meekly entering the room.

'Yes, sure. Please come in.' Anushka said.

'All the best Vee.' Ro said sarcastically.

'I'll kill you idiot.' Virat said.

Virat straightened up and let the nurse inject.

'You have become so fearless for the needles now.' Ro said as the nurse left.

'Well it means my acting is working well.' Virat laughed.

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