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This was supposed to be published tomorrow. I couldn't stay awake until 12 neither could I wait for tomorrow. I like updating at night as I wake up to your beautiful msgs in the morning which keeps my grumpy mood at bay.

Good night Sweet dreams 💤❤️


I am a very impulsive persons by nature. I don't think twice before doing something that's on my head. And then there are some ocassions for which I plan a lot but at the moment I go with some random thought that comes on my mind.

Due to this impulsiveness, I did a lot of things which I regretted instantly but with enormous pride I say that there's one decision that I have taken impulsively and don't regret even a bit.

That decision is starting fanfics on Wattpad.

It was 1st September 2021, I was watching this video and after watching Virat describe his first meet with Anushka, I don't know what has happened but there was this sudden urge in me to start a fanfic on them.

Until then the only story I have read on Wattpad was 'After' harry styles's fanfic.

So I thought why not I write a fanfic on Virushka. And guess what, I thought I was the first person to come up with this thought! 😂😂

It took me some ten days until I came across many other fanfictions on Virushka and ICT.

The only thing that kept me happy even after I didn't qualify for mbbs was your love here on Wattpad.

I cherish each and every moment of this six months journey and can't wait to write many many more stories on our ICT. I wish I will be able to uplift your mood with my stories.


Here I am tagging all those who have voted, commented across all my stories and added any of my story to your reading list in February.

Thanks a lot guys, I love you all so much. You guys have no idea about how happy you make me.

Keep showering your love to me always and if at any point you feel my stories are boring, please tell me. Only then I'll be able to become better.

To all the silent readers also, thanks a lot for reading my stories. I hope it was worth your time❤️








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