29) Be mine, forever

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Krithi's POV:

'Why is everyone calling me one after one, asking my whereabouts?' It was Ro, the fourth person to call me and ask where I was.

I'll be back in Mumbai that day, for the coming tour.

'What do you mean by that? Aren't we supposed to be knowing about you, also you don't have a house here and are gonna stay with us until we all relocate to the hotel' he sounded annoyed.

'Ok sorry don't be grumpy now and Yeah I forgot about my stay.'

'You are staying at my place.'

'Let's see after I land there. For now please let me spend some time with my family.' I pleaded.

'Ok. But tell this one thing, when does your flight land in Mumbai?'

'At 4:00 pm'

'Ok done. Bye'


I walked out of the airport with anticipation thinking of who's gonna come there to pick me, ofcourse I wanted it to be Shrey, but I haven't even spoke to him since the morning.

What if he doesn't even remember that I'll be coming to Mumbai that day?

So it be either Vi or Ro was what I thought.

'I'm here' I turned around to see Shrey standing there with a huge smile on his face, as he called me.

'So you knew I'll be coming today?' I asked.

'Ofcourse I knew, how can I not?'

And boom! The paps have surrounded us!

'Let's get out from here fast' he said as he held my hand and we began walking out from the airport.

'Is she your girlfriend Shreyas?' someone asked.

'We want a couple pic.' demanded the other.

'Mam show us your face'

'When did you meet each other?'

'Are you childhood sweethearts?'

Thankfully there weren't any 'gold digger' sort of comments.

'So where are we going now?' I asked him as I had no clue.

'To my home. Vi and Ro would be there too. But before that, there's some where else, we'll be going.' he said fastening his seat belt.

'Where is that?' I asked.

'That's a surprise'

'I hate surprises.' I really did, because sometimes it happens that we expect something higher than it actually is and get disappointed later.

'Trust me, you'll love this one.'

'How far is it?' I asked unable to hold my excitement.

'I'm not gonna tell that.'

We've finally reached somewhere. I looked around to find any name boards and found one which read, 'Shivaji park Gymkhana'

'Why are we here?' I asked.

'Let's go in.' he said with a wide smile plastered on his face all the time.

'Why is this place isolated?' I asked and that's when it hit me.

Is he gonna propose?

'Ever since I got to know that Ro proposed to Rits at Borivali sports club, I wanted to do the same. It's like having our entire life at the same place. It was here, pravin sir identified me and that's when my entire life changed.' he said and got down on his knees.

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