1. The night after..

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Incase you haven't read the first book and want to start directly don't worry, I'll put the precap here:

Krithi, starts working at bcci as in intern in pharmaceutical management. She'll be assisting the bcci manager ( sanjana ganeshan, fiction ik) and will also be assisting the covid shots and all ( I made it up for my convience). Another person to remember is Ishika, krithi's elder sister.

She, along with kl, shreyas, Rishabh, yuzi, Harry, Ishan , Rithika try to mend the RohiRat bond. They concede in making Rohit play with Vamika. But fail in their second step ( playdate)

This is all set in south africa with the cricket tour there. In the first test, while RohiRat were batting together, Rabada bowls a nasty bouncer injuring Virat. He's admitted in the hospital then.

After rithika confronting him, discussing and all Rohit finally decides to give their relation ( RohiRat) a second chance. The first part ends with them reconciling.

I have just put the main points here. To know what exactly has happened, please read the book. The total read time is 2 hrs 12 minutes. So please check it out if you are interested.


Krithi's POV:

It's been four hours since Rithika left Sammy with me. It's 9:00 p.m. I think I should take Sammy back to her parents.

I along with Sammy walked towards their room,only to find the room locked. Strange! I took out my phone and dialled Rithika's number.

'Hello Rithika.'

'Yes, krithi.'

Cheeku is shifted to a private room. Come down. I heard Mahi bhai's voice. It took me a minute to connect the dots.

'God, are you at the hospital?' I freaked out.

'Don't shout Krithi. It's a secret. Rohit wants to reconcile with Virat. We are at the hospital. Rohit had gone up to the terrace to play with Vamika. Kl is here too. We'll inform the team tomorrow. You please don't spill the beans.' she pleaded.

'Okay I won't. But what about Sammy?' I asked.

'Oh shit. We forgot about her. I was thinking something was missing. We totally forgot about her. Umm, what shall we do? Leave her with Sakshi. She'll take care and also Sammy is used to her.' Rithika said.

Oh, so this couple forgot about their own child. Great!

'Yeah, ok. Listen, I am tensed about Virat. Can I come see him tomorrow?' I asked.

'Yes you can. And don't worry he's alright. It's just a rib fracture which will require a surgery and it's all.' she said to my relief.

'Thank God. Also we can't hide it from media. We must inform them before they come to know. Ok, it's not right to bother you about it. I'll talk to dada, Rahul Bhai and Mahi bhai. Good night.' I told her.

'Good night krithi.' she said and I hung the call.

'Did they again go out leaving me?' Sammy asked face palming herself.

Not gonna lie, I expected her to start crying as her parents aren't there.

'Do they do this often?' I asked.

'All the time. It's ok. You are my best friend now. Let's sleep together.' she said and hugged me.

'Will you sleep with me? You won't cry in midst of night for your parents right?'

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